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Nurture influence on development
Summary of nature and nurture theory
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Module 1 Essential Questions
The reading titled Developmental Psychology Overview (link to the left) provides us with an introduction to some key issues in the field of developmental psychology. Scroll through the reading and you will find information on the following key issues: Nature-Nurture; Continuity-Discontinuity; Quantitative-Qualitative; Universality-Particularity; and Critical Periods. You might want to browse through some of the other readings for additional information Select and briefly summarize three (3) of these key issues.
The nature-nurture is an issue in developmental psychologist to whether how much each play a role in human development. Nature is influenced by our biological factors such as our genetic
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Read the piece titled The Longitudinal Developmental Research Design.
Describe the longitudinal method and its advantages and limitations.
Towards the end of the piece, the author discusses the sequential method. What is this method (you may need to research it on your own). See also the Ted Talk to the right. So what is the lesson from the longest study on happiness?!
The longitudinal method is a type of developmental research design in which it can be used to study changes in age related behavior. In this type of method, the same individual are repeatedly studied over a period of time.
The advantages of a longitudinal method compared to a cross-sectional method that it eliminates whether the results are based off experiences or age differences in each group. To explain further more different generations and ages can have different experiences. The main advantage is that the method maintains this consistency and stability by having the same participants. Also this design allows the usage of quantitative and qualitative
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Another key implication is if it the ability to learn the new skill window has been open for a very long time, then it is more difficult for the person to learn it as well as they could have compared to when the window first opened. An additional key implication is that it has also been proven in biological research with animals that critical periods are important to learning. Although there is strong evidence on the presence of critical periods it is impossible to conduct definitive research on critical periods in human development. Bailey mentions that the importance of critical periods lies not within age but with experience, developmental status and the child’s willing to participate and learn the particular set of
The nature versus nurture theory is a way to distinguish whether certain traits or characteristics of individuals are impacted more by biological means or environmental means. What the “nature” part signifies in the the theory is that we are more impacted by heredity and biological effects of our personality and what defines us as a person. What “nurture” signifies is that environmental factors have a more powerful impact on our lives and personality. As we mostly know, most things aren’t black and white, and so it’s hard ro determine which type of factors is more effective. Most people believe that it’s a blend of both nature and nurture that makes us who we are.
ln the study the research design being shown is the longitudinal design with the method of descriptive observation. Since they are observing the same group of people over a period of time.
Through out the years of studying human development there have been theories about the psychological stages or phases of development. Theorist saw that these psychological phases of development would then in turn affect a growing human’s physical, cognitive, and social development. Many theorist have become famous for their thoughts over the stages of human development, such as Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory, Erikson’s Neo-Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory, and Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory. Though, out of all of the theories, the simplest to understand and grasp the concept of is Erik Erikson’s Neo-Freudian Psychoanalytic Theory.
1. The reading titled Developmental Psychology Overview provides us with an introduction to some key issues in the field of developmental psychology. Scroll through the reading and you will find information on the following key issues: Nature-Nurture; Continuity-Discontinuity; Quantitative-Qualitative; Universality-Particularity; and Critical Periods. You might want to browse through some of the other readings for additional information Select and briefly summarize three (3) of these key issues.
...nowledge about the development of a child and adolescent provides clues in understanding behavior and what is "normal," or typical, in growth and development in the early months and years of life. All the developmental theories tie into one another and help influence new theories. Each theory is important separately and as a whole.
One of the hottest debates is and has been nature vs nurture for years, but what is the difference between the two? Nature is what people think of as already having and not being able to change it, in other words, pre-wiring (Sincero). Nurture is the influence of experiences and its environment of external factors (Sincero). Both nature and nurture play important roles in human development. Scientists and researchers are both trying to figure out which is the main cause in development because it is still unknown on which it is. The best position to side with is nature. Nature is also defined as genetic or hormone based behaviors (Agin). Regardless of the involvement in everyday life, or nurture, this argumentation centers around the effect genes have on human personalities. Although it is understandable on reasons to side with nurture, nature is the better stand in this controversy. Reasons to side with nature is because of genes and what genes hold. Genes is what
Longitudinal design was used in this study to monitor the same participants over six months. A threat to the validity of this design can be drop out of participants. This can be attributed to the length of a longitudinal study. However in this study researchers were successful at maintaining all participants. The researchers asked all participants in advance if they could commit to all four sessions and if they could not then they were not used as part of the study. Therefore, all 188 participants selected completed the entire program (Kazemi et al., 2013).
One of the most well-known debates in psychology is nature versus nurture. Nature is pre-determined traits, influenced by biological factors and genetics. Physical characteristics such as height, hair color, and eye color is all determined by the genetics we inherit. Nurture is the influence of environmental factors. Nature and nurture affects the physical, emotional, and social development of a child.
For my reflection paper I chose to write about chapter 9 that talks about lifespan development. This chapter grabbed my attention and I found it most interesting. In the textbookit discusses how there are certain factors that uncontrollably make us who we are. Those factorsare "unique combination of genes you inherited from your biological mother and father. Another is the historical era during which you grew up. Your individual development has also been shaped by the cultural, social, and family contexts within which you were raised." (Pg.352) The patterns of our lives are because of developmental psychology. "Developmental psychology is a scientific approach which aims to explain growth, change and consistency though the lifespan. Developmental
The course Developmental Theories of Young Children has been a beneficial, interesting, and insightful learning experience. I have learned several new topics throughout the course. In this course, I have enhanced my techniques on analyzing and recognizing factors that may affect students’ in developmental domains and their physical growth. I have learned that child development comes with maturation, as well as, the different stages of development. As a future educator, I now know the different theories that influence child development and how I can make decisions to care for my students.
As of now, we know that both nature and nurture play important roles in human development, but we have not known yet whether we are developed majorly because of nature or due to nurture. I have noticed many times in my past experiences now that I have a child of my own I see a lot of nature vs nurture in our surroundings. Just sitting on the bench watching my child play with others you can say that the argument is now playing out before you. Some say the child that is kind and his parents are as well is in a loving home which in all honesty no one but they know the
An advantage of cross-sectional research is that it is the quickest and least expensive way to study development over time. In this research, groups of people of one age are compared with groups of people of another age. The participants contrast in age, however, they share similar characteristics. A disadvantage of this research is that it is difficult to make sure that the various groups that are being compared are similar in every way except age.
Have you ever wondered where you got your personality from? The nature and nurture debate is a discussion about whether being raised shapes your personality more, or genetics which you get from your parents. Nature is genetics from the parents and makes the features of you. Nurture describes what you’re parents act like and if you act like them now. Nurture affects the child’s brain by everything the parents do with the child and how the child will act. Nurture reflects on how the child will listen and how the child will act. Nature and Nurture are both very important in a child’s life but nurture is more important. Nurture is how they treat you and how much they take care of you, which is an important part of growing up.
Developmental Psychology is an area which studies how we as humans change over the period of our life span. The majority of the focus is broken into three categories: cognitive, physical and social change. The creation of who we are today comes down to the everlasting debate of nature versus nurture. This ongoing debate of what makes us who we are and which one is the driving force in development may be so simple that it’s complex. Rather than it being a conflict of nature “versus” nurture, it is very well possible both play an equal part in the development of us as humans. In the beginning, we start off as single cell in the form of a zygote. In that moment, where the DNA begin to form and the first seconds of life take place, the zygote is already experiencing interaction with the womb. In the process of determining why we are who are it is better to look more at the interactions of nature and nurture, analyzing how both have shaped us.
In the study of child development, nature and nurture are two essential concepts that immensely influence future abilities and characteristics of developing children. Nature refers to the genetically obtained characteristics and abilities that influence development while nurture refers to the surrounding environmental conditions that influence development. Without one or the other, a child may not develop some important skills, such as communication and walking. The roles of physiological and psychological needs in a person’s life are also crucial for developing children. Humanistic psychologist, Abraham Maslow, suggested that humans don’t only aim towards survival, but also aim towards self-actualization (Rathus, P. 94).