Influence Of Nature And Nurture On Child Development

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How Nature and Nurture Influence Behavior Development in Children Without Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, nature verses nurture never would have been generated. Charles Darwin’s theory influenced many scientists to study children and their development. This lengthy study led to many important encounters of human nature. With this study, the terms nature and nurture were created.
“Nature refers to the genes we receive from our parents that influence our development” and “nurture refers to the wide range of environments, both physical and social, that influence our development.”
Nature and nurture both have positive and negative effects on how behavior develops in children. Behavior in children is acquired from family, mainly the children’s parents and behavior can be learned from both family members and frends. Behavior is not only learned and influenced by those two factors; behavior is also learned from outside factors and influences such as: Television (TV) shows …show more content…

During this stage of development, nature is present. In a sense, nature is actually present before the baby is formed in the womb and this is because of the genes that come from both parents. Behavioral traits are imprinted upon the DNA that the baby acquires from its parents; therefore, when the baby is born it has acquired behavior from both parents. With this being said, behavior is developed from the time that the sperm and egg unite to create the fetus. Nature can have both a positive and negative effects upon children, however. Positive effects in children’s behavioral development caused by nature can include: behaving appropriately in public, following rules and directions, doing well in school, and hanging out with the right crowd. Negative effects in children’s behavioral development can include: misbehavior, disobedience, truancy, joining gangs, and partaking in substances that are harmful to the

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