Differential Susceptibility

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Does his or her ethnic group make any difference in a child’s development? The ethnic group does make a difference in a child’s development. A child's ethnic group contributes to their development in language, heritage, and religion. Children will pick up on their parent's culture and language. For example, two Spanish-speaking parents, their child will pick up on how to speak Spanish. Even though the child is born in an English speaking country, they will have the advantage of being able to speak both English and Spanish. A child who is raised in a Christian home will most likely follow Christianity, and a child in a Jewish home, will follow Judaism, they will most likely no practice a different type of faith. Most children follow their family's values and beliefs. Why are some children more affected by their environment than others? The term differential susceptibility explains why children are more affected by their environment than others. differential susceptibility is the idea that people differ in how sensitive they are to …show more content…

The experimenters manipulate the independent variable and examine whether there is any effect on the dependent variable. The dependent variable depends on the independent variable. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cross-sectional research? An advantage of cross-sectional research is that it is the quickest and least expensive way to study development over time. In this research, groups of people of one age are compared with groups of people of another age. The participants contrast in age, however, they share similar characteristics. A disadvantage of this research is that it is difficult to make sure that the various groups that are being compared are similar in every way except age. What are the advantages and disadvantages of longitudinal

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