Pros and Cons of Choosing Between two Different Careers

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Abraham Lincoln once said, “Whatever you are, be a good one.” The world is filled with many interesting careers, but two careers in particular grab my attention and fit my personality best that I can be good at. A police patrol officer and Christian ministry are the two careers that have always kept my attention growing up. The first, being a police patrol officer is a career I have always wanted to get involved in since I was a kid. I would like to have a job with some excitement and adrenaline, which a police officer experiences almost everyday. Based on what my score was from the Career Cluster Inventory results, on the Ohio Career Information System, and from the PLAN test results, I can say that this career field suits me well and fits my personality. The second option for a career that also suits me well is Christian ministry; the broader term being clergy. This career fits my personality because, I myself, am a Christian and this field of work coincides with my beliefs. I desire to serve God and teach other people about Christ, so this career opens the door for me to practice that. The results from the Career Cluster Inventory show that I am suited for this career. I possess the skills that these lines of work require except the training. One way I am preparing to become a police patrol officer is becoming more physically fit to be ready for the physical demands of this job. Currently I am taking a Bible course called Faith Bible Institute, which is essentially an adult-level college class that will help prepare me for Christian ministry. Many colleges and universities offer degrees and training for these two careers, and I have been researching these schools and their programs as well.

A police patrol officer’s d...

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...t. 2013.

“Clergy Professions: Job Description and Information for Students Considering a Career in the Clergy Professions.” Education-Portal. n.d. 19 Oct. 2013.

“Financial Stability and Benefits.” Discover Policing. Bureau of Justice Assistance, International Association of Chiefs of Police, Community Oriented Policing Services, n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2013.

“Interest Profiler.” Ohio Career Information System. University of Oregon, n.d. Web. 19 Oct.


PLAN. ACT, Inc., 7 Nov. 2012. Print.

“Police and Detectives.” Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-2013 Edition. Bureau

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“Police Patrol Officers.” Ohio Career Information System. University of Oregon, n.d. Web.

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Puckley, Steve. Telephone interview. 4 Mar. 2014.

Wells, Bryan. Personal interview. 7 Dec. 2013.

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