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Career path goals for a dental hygienist
Career plans for dentistry
Career plans for dentistry
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Recommended: Career path goals for a dental hygienist
Vincent Tran
Mr. Decker/Mr. Castanah
AP Government
15 September 2017
Dental hygiene career research paper
The field i'm going to be doing my research is in the medical field because it always peaked my interest and as a kid it's something I always wanted to pursue for my future careers. The three job titles I would like to pursue are dental hygienist, forensic scientist, and pharmacist. The first choice I chose was dental hygiene, at first I wanted to be a dentist but after knowing that I would have to undergo many years of education and training to become a dentist, I wanted to start off with something small at first that's when I came across dental hygiene. It sounded fascinating and a subject I would like to focus on because it was a field
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“Pros and Cons of Being a Dental Hygienist.” Carrington, 20 Dec. 2016, carrington.edu/blog/dental/pros-cons-dental-hygienist/.
“BoardVitals.com.” Board Vitals - Medical Board Review and Question Bank, www.boardvitals.com/dental-hygiene-board-review. www.dentistryiq.com/articles/2014/04/flexible-work-schedule-continues-to-appeal-to-hygienists.html. Dental Hygienist, www.ada.org/en/education-careers/careers-in-dentistry/dental-team-careers/dental-hygienist
Dental Hygienists :: Salaries, www.myplan.com/careers/dental-hygienists/salary-29-2021.00.html.
“12 Fastest Growing Jobs in Healthcare.” Monster Career Advice, www.monster.com/career-advice/article/most-stable-professional-sector-healthcare.
“Dental Hygienist Job Description - How to Become a Dental Hygienist.” Snagajob, www.snagajob.com/job-descriptions/dental-hygienist/.
“Dental Hygienists.” Dental Hygienists: Career, Salary and Education Information - CollegeGrad.com, collegegrad.com/careers/dental-hygienists.
Study.com, Study.com,
We have all had those dentist or orthodontist appointments that were a complete nightmare. Getting poked, jabbed, and pinched in the mouth. Well, I have been thinking since I have had this experience and wouldn’t want anyone else to go through that. Maybe I could become an orthodontist and ensure to my patients that these problems do not happen. I enjoy helping people that I don’t know and being as precise as I need to be, to be an orthodontist. Though I have never had any experience at all with any of this, that is what school is for. I realize that being an orthodontist is the best career choice for me.
All the various factors that lead me to dentistry amounted to just a part of my decision to become a dentist, the other half of my decision came from the simple question, “(w)ill this be a satisfying career for me?” A satisfying career, to me, is defined by whether or not I can use my career as a means to assist others and experience a sense of accomplishment and self-gratification in helping others. The notion of a satisfying career was one that came through personal experiences. Being a former Medicaid recipient, I was thankful to those that worked in the public health sector to help those in need, including myself and my family. Through my past experiences, I felt obligated to reciprocate the resources and assistance that I had received. At the end of my career, I hope to reflect back on my career and experience a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment for having helped others throughout my career; this is what will amount to successful career, from my point of view.
After review of my skills, interests, and experiences, I decided to pursue the medical career field as my first career choice, more specifically as a physician assistant. I will exceed in this position in the interest of that I like to help people and I solve problems well. Also, I communicate well with others and I have a great amount of patience. There are various careers that fit my skills and interests, but this one grabs my attention. My dream job is to be a doctor, but this occupation allows one to save money by lessening the years of school required. Also, the pay isn’t too shabby either. I will be successful in this position due to my skills, characteristics, and values, like honesty and helping others. Up to this point, I have job shadowed at a medical billing company and I like the idea of diagnosing and helping people, but a desk job is not ideal. Also, I took a medical terminology as a class and I discovered that I like how the body works and what it does. These factors have all influenced my career goal.
From an early age, I wanted to have a career where I can help people, good working, and financially stable. That is why I chose Dental Hygiene. My dedication to pursuing my dreams has been tested though the competitive prerequisites that I needed to take before I can get in to the program. I needed to maintain A’s and B’s, in order to qualify to be into the pool of applicants to be chosen. I had 3.4 G.P.A and I was confident that I am going to be accepted.
...ealth. This was reassuring because now I know that if I do not absolutely love being a dental hygienist, there are many other roads I can go down. For the future, I plan on finishing up my prerequisites and hopefully getting in the dental program. After finishing the dental program I plan to get a job as a dental hygienist. If I love it I will keep pursuing this; however, if I do not, I will then branch off and either be a representative or even teach some sort of science. This research helped me and got me so inspired to go down the career path that I have chosen.
Why did I choose the career forensic pathology? I chose this career because I have always been a curious person, and the thought of being the one who figures out a mysterious death and giving their family closure is very exciting to me. It is a great feeling knowing you have made a difference in someone’s life, from gun wounds to suicide I feel that the family deserves to know. I knew that I wanted to solve these kinds of mysteries when uncle died and no one knew how he died, or at least they didn’t want to tell us. I later found out that the scientifically correct term for someone who investigates deaths like his is forensic pathology.
In the Dental Hygiene field, many challenges come about every day and during different situations. Every day there are new challenges and unusual situations that occur in the dental field, but one challenge that continues to come about and has been a big dispute over the years is the ability to provide beneficial information about oral health care for the underprivileged. For the individuals that are not fortunate enough to pay to have services done in the dental office, lack the knowledge of how important good oral health care is. They do not receive the one on one conversations explaining the significance of taking care of your teeth and gums that the patients who can afford to make appointments and receive essential services do. That
Professionalism in the dental profession refers to our responsibilities and obligations that exists throughout our entire dental career. “Professional competence is the habitual and judicious use of communication, knowledge, technical skills, clinical reasoning, emotions, values and reflection in daily practice for the benefit of the individual and community being served (Kirk, 2007).” A health professional must be able to regulate their own behavior and comply with a code of ethics in professional practice. Fundamental principles of professionalism include primacy of patient welfare, social justice and patient autonomy (Kirk, 2007).
The career I have chosen for my future is to become a registered dental hygienist. It wasn’t until I actually learned what dental hygienists do that influenced my interest from medical to dentistry. The first honest reason I was gravitated to dental hygiene was because of the salary. I didn’t really know what Dental Hygienist actually did until I did some research.
When envisaging a future career, we generally tend to base our ideas off of the most known careers such as doctors, chefs, police officers and fireman, without the knowledge of the other possible career opportunities. After doing weeks of extensive research, I found a very feasible and riveting future career, a Dental Hygienist. Dental Hygiene is a preventive oral health profession that helps people maintain better dental health for the future. Though this career seems quite easy, it’s a crucial job that adults and children of all ages need.
My goals after I graduate from college are to work as a registered dental hygienist, have financial income in a professional setting, and to serve the public in a positive way. In addition to that, I have always had an entrepreneurial bend element in my personality, and once I gain full employment and stability, being a dental hygienist is the type of job that would allow me to pursue some of my other hobbies and interests while making a contribution to the community. Additionally, that part-time business could eventually turn into a full-time career. The first step to becoming an entrepreneur is gaining employment, and being a dental hygienist would allow me to network with hundreds of different cross-sections of society and get to the point
This was until I took Introduction to Kinesiology and I began to rethink my career options. During the semester many guest speakers came in to discuss their careers and what options we had as students. One of our guest speakers was an epidemiologist and described his career, and instantly I started researching careers in epidemiology. I decided that a Master’s in Public Health is the best option for myself. While in the program I plan to focus on the specialization of health administration. Overall I feel Health Administrators have the biggest impact on a large amount of people. Health Administration is the right career for me because it involves planning and coordinating which I’m extremely good at thanks to the responsibilities my two part-time jobs thrust upon me. Once I graduate from the program I would like to work in a small health care facility, such as a rehabilitation center. Eventually I would like to work my way up to the CEO of a health programs, but before then I would like to experience all the positions in healthcare administration
I decided to pursue my MPH degree to be followed with the Residency in Dental Public Health. Now, more than ever there is a need for public control and prevention of disease with healthcare costs spiraling out of control.
The three careers I chose to do my research paper on were a psychiatrist, neonatal nurse, and a preschool teacher. I chose one of my careers to be a psychiatrist. I chose this career because I find things having to do with the mind interesting. I find psychology in general interesting and I would love to take part in a career that has to do with it. I also consider being a preschool teacher because I like children and I think I would enjoy the job. For me, it would be quite enjoyable to come to work everyday to teach younger children with the use of arts and crafts which I enjoy to do. Finally, I chose the job as a neonatal nurse because I enjoy taking care of babies and I would love
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