Pros And Cons Of Writing Essay

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This essay is going to be about the pros and cons of taking notes on laptops or using a piece of paper and a pencil. I will put as an example different studies that have been developed by different universities around the world that proves the importance of write your notes down.

Which is the Best Form for Taking Notes?

Since I started to attend college I have seen that some students use their computers and other student prefer the old style, write them down. Once I was assigned to write and argumentative essay I thought about using this topic because this topic could be very debatable. There are a lot of studies that prove the efficiency of writing notes, but there are people out there that prefer to use laptops, tablets, or even recording the teacher’s voice.

The laptop computer enters the battlefield. Laptops are great for taking notes for multiple reasons. Some of us can type faster than …show more content…

Moreover, no paper is used. Therefore, it helps the environment. As a matter of fact, at the time of the study it is easy to find hot words instead of searching for several sheets of notebook. Also, it makes easier to add things to the notes instead of cross out what is already written. There are more choices of color, letters, sizes. Which helps to memorize certain things. In fact, we let ourselves worry about whether our notes get damaged or lost in case we forget our stuff somewhere. Another advantage could be that when it comes to lend your notes to your classmates it will be easier to read them for the person since not all of us have a good handwriting. Also, if lend your notes take your only means of study with a laptop does not happen because you can generate multiple copies of the same

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