Professional Development for Teachers

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Based on the inquiry of empowering professional development, many findings come into play. At times we feel as though professional development is worthless and a waste of time. Gusky also, addresses that at times why so many professional developments are inadequate. There are reasons why we feel that way and reasons of which we should not have if we were actually getting something out the workshops. A common goal must first be set in the mind of the participants thus leading to the building of professionalism of the school system. In this review we will look at some aids and guides to successful professional development.

First let’s take a look and evaluate the classroom by observation to see what need to be improved. One idea that came to mind was some teacher were using peer tutoring as a tool to get out of instruction, thus they were not paying sufficient attention to the students as they worked. The article titled: Using Peer Tutoring to Facilitate Access discussed the findings of this teaching strategy in all levels of learning and basics subjects. This strategy has been defined as one of best ways to reach the student. In comparison to Gusky’s ideas, there is a relationship between professional development and improvement in student learning. For improved student learning peer tutoring is higher achieving students being linked with lower achieving students to promote social enhancement and academic gains. There are three different kinds of peer tutoring; cross-age, peer assisted learning strategies, and reciprocal. Each kind was broken down and explained descriptively. The one that really stood out to me was the reciprocal tutoring. This was illuminating because the students are grouped together with two or more. They have ...

... middle of paper ... with and honoring all students whether it is intrinsic or extrinsic, professional development should be adequate.

Works Cited

Gusky, T. (2000). Evaluating Professional Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press Inc.

Levak, D. H. (б.д.). Educational Leadership. Personalizing Schools . Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Reeves, D. (June 2010 r.). How Teacher Learn. The Learning Leader/ Model Teachers , 66, стр. 85-87.

Reeves, D. (2008). Reframing Teacher Leadership to Improve Your School. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Rhonda Christensen, S. F. (December-January 2005-06 r.). Learning and Leading with Technology. Teaching in the One-to-One Classroom , 33 , 12-16. ISTE.

Using Peer Tutoring To Facilitate Access. (22 September 2004 r.). Получено 30 May 2010 r., из The Access Center:

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