Processed Carbohydrates Persuasive Speech

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It’s a given that nobody should eat processed carbohydrates, nor processed anything (like meats) for that matter.

We will be coming back to ATP production again. You can not understand what cancer is without exposure to this fundamental process. Don’t get stressed out over the details, however, the basics are good enough. If your background is in the life sciences, this will be a walk in the park.
The Autonomic Types
Recall that Fast Oxidizers burn glucose too rapidly. When they’re tested to determine their metabolic type by consuming what’s called the “glucose-challenge drink”, Fast Oxidizers’ blood sugar spikes and then crashes, a condition known as hypoglycemia, which has a huge impact on their energy and causes mood swings. Slow Oxidizers burn …show more content…

This drink is acid forming to the two oxidative types (Fast and Slow Oxidizers), thereby increasing their blood levels of CO2 and decreasing their levels of oxygen.
This has the effect of increasing respiration rate, as the body tries to compensate by breathing in more oxygen while decreasing the ability to hold the breath, due to a deficit of oxygen.
Individuals who demonstrate these traits during the testing procedure - determined by comparing the baseline readings with readings taken at a specified time after ingesting the modified glucose challenge drink - will generally, therefore, be one of the 2 oxidative types.
Conversely, the glucose challenge drink is alkalinizing to the autonomic types (Sympathetics and Parasympathetics), thereby increasing blood levels of oxygen and decreasing levels of CO2.
(This phenomenon illustrates one of the key observations of metabolic profiling, that the same nutrients produce opposite pH effects at the level of the blood in the oxidative and the autonomic metabolic

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