Potato Osmosis Experiment

527 Words2 Pages

Potato cells, Diffusion, osmosis, and Tonicity by Michaela Cupp

Science Experiment Topic: which solution will help absorb the red dye into the potato cells, pure water or 50% salt water.

Related research topics/terms: Diffusion, Osmosis, Tonicity are things I found during my experiment.

An explanation of the links between the topics: The dye was diffusing through the potato cells, this is the link between diffusion. Osmosis is linked to the experiment because in order for the diffusion to work the water would have to first need to go through the holes in the cells also known as osmosis. And finally Tonicity was a major part because the solution that the potato was in (pure water) was hypotonic which means that the cells had swollen which made it harder for the dye to move through the potato, and the hypertonic solution (50%salt water) did the complete opposite because instead of making the cells swell it made them shrink which made it easier for the dye to pass through the potato.

A preview of the 3 body paragraphs: first paragraph= Diffusion second paragraph= Osmosis third par...

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