Pot Holes

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Pot holes are a major part of highway road maintenance. Pot holes are a major problem on rural roads and highways all over the United States. The big problem that is causing the potholes on the highways is when moisture enters the highway pavement, and then when the highway freezes the highways expand, drastic thawing creates the potholes. After thawing and heavy traffic the pavement will loosen. Highways will have multiple potholes when that takes place. All over the United States county employees and county equipment are being used to repair the pot holes on the highways with restricted budgets to fix the highways. (Potholes, n.d.) There have been studies on how Pot holes affect drivers and there vehicles. The studies have revealed that one out of five drivers admitted to swerving into oncoming traffic to avoid …show more content…

Potholes are rated in how they are fixed and when they will get fixed based on the traffic volume, the importance of the highway to the community. Highways with a lot of traffic or that are major corridors for people that effect emergency services, police, and routes to and from the hospitals. The second thing that takes precedent would be highways that give access to schools and businesses since there is a high volume of traffic coming and going from places like these. Last but not least would be the rural highways and lesser traveled highways. With the limited funds counties and states prioritize what gets fixed first and set their priorities. If there is found that there is an extremely dangerous situation with a pothole crews will be on site immediately to fix the problem. It doesn't matter what time of the day it is, emergency situations get taken care of right away. In a normal situation highway pot holes that get reported are fixed in one to two business days depending on the prioritization of the workload. (Potholes,

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