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Every person who has gets behind the wheel of a motor vehicle will be involved in some sort of automobile collision at some point in his or her lifetime. Traffic accidents account for over twenty thousand deaths each year and more than ten times as many injuries. There are a number of factors that contribute to these types of collisions, however, new and evolving laws can account for a large portion of successful preventable measures. In order for laws to be changed or added for the purpose of safer roads and highways, lawmakers have to first look at what factors contribute to such unsafe conditions. The top five causes of automobile accidents that cause injury are distracted drivers, driver fatigue, drunk driving, speeding, and aggressive driving. Laws can be proposed to reduce and even eliminate each of these risks. Distracted driving refers to a wide range of conditions involving the driver of the vehicle not being alert and attentive to the task of driving. These distractions can mean anything from texting and making phone calls to eating and other activities. Driving a motor vehicle while simultaneously being engaged in a different task can and is a fatal mistake that …show more content…
These proposed laws will make driving any type of automobile a lot safer, which should be the ultimate goal of any driver getting behind the wheel. Laws being changed or added will obviously save a vast amount of time, money, and lives, however, as long as there are vehicles on the road, there is a chance of accidents occurring. Victims of car accidents are often extremely disoriented so it is important to be aware of what laws are in place to protect victims and know the proper steps to take in the event of a traffic
The term “distracted driving” may be hard to define, but, simply, it is the act of driving while being engaged in any activity. Stephanie Hanes describes in her article, how texting is a deadly epidemic. The distractions occurring while we drive on the road endangers the lives of drivers and passengers around us. Andrew Lavallee explains in his article “Companies build Services to End Texting and Driving,” how texting is wildly popular these days. David Andreatta points out some activities which drivers are engaged in while on road, in his article “Texting and Driving Can Spell Disaster.”
Distracted driving is something really deadly but people don't really pay any mind to it. Distracted driving is when the driver is distracted by anything that could distract them. There are different types of distractions. There are visual, manual, and cognitive distractions. Visual distractions are when you take your eyes off the roads, manual is when your hands are being taken off the wheel, and cognitive is when your mind is being taken off of driving.There are a lot of things that could distract someone from driving. Some things would be eating, music, doing makeup, cell phones, and even messing with your radio or navigation systems. Cell phone use is a major cause of distracted driving. 1 out of every 4 car accidents are caused by distracted
Most people can recollect their initial experience behind the wheel of a car. Their palms are sweaty and they might feel butterflies in their stomach as they are nervous for the exciting task ahead. Indeed, driving a car for the first time can be an extremely exhilarating and daunting job for most people, and the fundamental goal on their mind is to arrive at their destination in the safest manner possible. After several commutes, however, a driver begins to feel more comfortable. Consequently, I believe ease and relaxation are the roots of the issue when addressing distracted driving. A person loses focus after garnering a substantial amount of experience behind the wheel, leading to many negligent acts of which all drivers are guilty.
Today’s drivers have so many distractions.There are many dangers on the road to begin with,and the list gets longer every year.Cell phones,radios,and emotional distress are all examples of dangerous distractions, and habits.
Driving while distracted is deadly. Texting is involved in about 25% of all car accidents in the US and that is only texting. Activities such as tuning or listening to a radio, eating and drinking, monitoring children and pets, or even conversing with a passenger, all of these mentally engaging activities, reduce driving performance leaving you at a greater risk for crashing.
Distracted driving is a growing problem among today’s drivers. Since the advancements in technology, and the more hectic a person's schedule the more distracted the are likely to become. Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from driving, including talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, fiddling with the stereo, entertainment or navigation system—anything that takes your attention away from the task of safe driving The concern with being distracted while driving is not being able to react to hazards on the road or becoming the hazard on the road that another distracted driver may not be able to avoid. The three main distractions are categorized as manual, visual, and cognitive according to the DMV.
What is distracted driving? Distracted driving is any activity that diverts a person’s attention away from the task of driving. All distractions endanger the driver, passenger and bystander safety Types of
Collision affects the economy. (The average cost for car crashes is over millions of dollars annually; see Figure 1). The amount means more than numbers. It represents that some of our families and friends will never return home. In the field of emergency management, we cannot afford to be silent. It is time to make a stand to enforce motorists to pay attention on the road and change drivers’ unsafe behavior while driving behind the wheel of their vehicle. Saving lives do not have any monetary value.
Unfortunately, distracted driving is a common issue in modern society. A study made by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2017 found that approximately 9 deaths and over 1,000 injuries in crashes occur every day due to distracted driving in the United States.1 The largest
Distracted driving happens when a driver fails to pay attention only to driving and has their attention diverted by doing other activities.
“Distracted driving is any activity that could divert a person’s attention from the primary task of driving” (What). There almost endless ways to be distracted while driving which includes texting, using a phone, eating, drinking, talking to passengers, reading, which includes maps, and adjusting the radio. All distractions endanger the driver’s, passenger’s, and bystander’s safety. Sometimes, some of these distractions are unavoidable, but are also not so dangerous. “Because text messaging requires visual, manual, and cognitive attention, it is by far the most alarming distraction” (What). According to the official government website for distracted driving, five seconds is the average time a person’s eyes are off of the road while texting and that is enough time at 55mph to cover a football field blind folded (What). That is an unnerving thought to think of when 660,000 people are actually driving and doing that at any time during the daylight every day. “The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported in 2012 that driver distraction was the cause of 18% of all fatal crashes” (Federal). That’s 3,328 people dead and 421,000 wounded due to someone not focusing their attention on the road at a time when they should have been
According to the article “Traffic safety Facts”Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for 15-20 year olds.This shows that 2,739 15 through 20 year olds were killed because of driving unexperienced.Many teens get distracted on the roads causing them to crash . This is important because a nation wide study shows that tougher licensing laws for teenage drivers have reduced deadly accidents.
Would you drive while writing an essay, eat a salad, or even fly a kite. Obviously these are exaggerations but a distractions in theory be any one of these activities. Stated on Dictionary.com the definition of distracted driving is “driving a vehicle while engaging in an
Distracted driving may seem like nothing out of the ordinary. Distracted driving has increasingly become a deadly threat to the safety of people traveling the roads. Jim P. Stimpson, Fernan...
According to many, are laws are not as strict as they should be. “Our current laws are woefully inadequate.” (Winsten, 2015, pg. 1) No one will get even a day or two behind bars for getting caught on the highway with a phone in their hands, looking at the screen for hundreds of yards without looking up, endangering everyone around them. This is how nasty accidents happen, and it is hard to tell whether or not an accident will kill someone, so why even take the risk? The death toll is scarier than people may think. “Each day in the United States, on average, eight families bury a loved one killed by a distracted driver.” (Altschiller, 2017, pg. 1) Additionally, while teenagers, seemingly harmless, have contributed the most towards this horrid statistic. The deaths caused by teens are mostly due to poor driving skills and a lack of attentiveness on the road. “Ten percent of all drivers aged 15-19 involved in fatal crashes were reported as distracted at the time of the accidents, according to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration.” (Altschiller, 2017, pg. 2) Fortunately, there are people that know of the consequences to come. “Without a seismic change in driver attitudes, the situation will only worsen, says James: ‘Every generation is going to be more aggressive, more competitive and more