Fatal Motor Vehicle Collision Research

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Commuters’ Death Rate Fatal motor vehicle collision is one of the leading causes of death. Within the past decades, motor vehicle collision statistics have fluctuated. More than 400,000 people died on the public roadways across the country (DPS, 2016). Not to mention that every 60 seconds an estimate of 85 commuters dies. Some researchers believe that the main contributing factors are drivers’ behavior and road hazards (DPS, 2016). Collision Expense Collision affects the economy. (The average cost for car crashes is over millions of dollars annually; see Figure 1). The amount means more than numbers. It represents that some of our families and friends will never return home. In the field of emergency management, we cannot afford to be silent. It is time to make a stand to enforce motorists to pay attention on the road and change drivers’ unsafe behavior while driving behind the wheel of their vehicle. Saving lives do not have any monetary value. Demographics To detect the root cause of car crashes, many researchers conducted …show more content…

Speeding increases the chances of a fatal accident. According to the NHTSA in 2014, thousands of lives were lost due to speeding. The NHTSA (2015) stated that speed-related collisions cost is several billions every year. (Usually the aggressive drivers are inexperienced stated one of the participants; see Figure 12). The time of day is another contributing factor. (During rush hour, late at night and weekends have the most accidents because of drivers’ irrational behaviors like DWI; see Figure 9). Motorists drinking while intoxicated links to the late night and weekends. Due to the circumstances, more parties and social events usually scheduled during this time of day. For this reason, deadly collisions occur. (However, the statistic shows that DWI collisions happen most in secluded regions; see Figure

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