Police Recruit Research Paper

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It should come as no surprise, but when police recruiters are looking for candidates to hire onto the police force, there’s often a specific list of things they want to see in a candidate. While there are the obvious qualities such as honesty, integrity and trustworthiness, there are also some factors regarding previous experiences in life, such as your work history and your background. The following are some of the top things that police recruiters look for when it comes to hiring a new candidate.

Strong Communication Skills
Unsurprisingly, one of the most important skills you need to have in the eyes of a police recruiter are excellent communication skills, both written and oral. As a police officer, you’re going to need to be able to communicate effectively with the other officers. Additionally, you need to be able …show more content…

Most recruiters are immediately turned off by a candidate who has little to no work experience, but they’re equally turned off by a candidate that has worked at many different places, since that signifies that they bounce around from place to place. A good balance of work experience will help give you the upper edge on competition.

Military Background Or College Degree
A military background or college degree is often the first thing that jumps out to most recruiters, because it shows that you have longevity and you don’t tend to jump around as often. In addition, you immediately have previous skills and knowledge that other candidates may not have.

Driving Record
This shouldn’t be a surprise, but your driving record is a big issue that recruiters take a look at. Since the majority of your time on the job is sent driving, occasionally at high speeds, the track record of your driving is incredibly important. Too many red flags on your driving record could hurt you.


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