Piccollage Essay

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PicCollage App

PicCollage is a free application students can download to create posters as a medium to publish their work. This application allows students to edit photos, choose appropriate layouts and add photos, gifs and videos. Students are able to show they are using their Higher order thinking skills (HOTS) by producing new or original work (creating) or to justify a stand or decision (evaluating).

Incorporation of authentic learning:
Authentic learning is about real life experiences. PicCollage is able to supply students with this authentic education by allowing them to take control of their own learning. Students are able to publish their hand writing work onto technologies (PicCollage) while being able to incorporate images to support their work. Through this app students are able to achieve the HOTS utilising the creating and …show more content…

Another example would include visual or spatial learning as students are also able to view pictures and images through their own use of spatial understanding.

Compatibility across platforms
PicCollage can be operated across a multitude of different platforms such as phones, tablets and desktops. This allows students and teachers to access this application through a range of different technologies whether it be in a classroom or the computer lab. Work can also be shared and transferred between each of these devices which allows for easier viewing, marking and editing. In summary, Picollage is compatible with a variety of different platforms and provides users with an effective means of accessing this app on a number of optional devices.

Provision of assessment/summary data available electronically to the

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