Physical Fitness and Diving

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Diving has gotten away from the stereotype based on the early days of diving, that it is a rough and tough sport requiring extreme endurance and strength. Today it is viewed as an activity done by both men and women and even children. While diving is promoted as a leisure sport, it is still a sport. One that takes an amount of physical activity. We start by carrying heavy tanks on our backs. We are in constant motion for the entire dive. Even breathing is a more difficult as we must overcome the additional pressure on our body as we expand our chest. Get Fit, Dive Longer The fitter we are the more we can enjoy our diving. Think back to your earliest dives and how fast you used your air until you learned to control your breathing. The less often we breathe the longer our air supply will last. Being fit our breathing will be less rapid as we exert ourselves. This could easily add another 10 to 15 minutes more to each dive. Multiply that by the number of dives you do in a year and you can see that it is a substantially additional bottom time. As in any type of physical activit...

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