Pharmaceutical Lab

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The purpose of the pharmaceutical lab session, which took place over a period of three-laboratory session, was to formulate compressed paracetamol tablets. First of all, the practical started by weighing out 100g of paracetamol, 200g lactose and 0% starch, using a two decimal place balance. After uniformly mixing the powders together, the powder mix was transferred to a tab density tester. First, weight out 45g of the powder mix. After making sure that measuring cylinder is clean and dry, place the powder inside the cylinder of the tapped density tester, making sure that the cylinder is secured in its holder. Record the apparent volume (V0) of the powder in the cylinder to the nearest ml. After wearing appropriate ear protection and switching …show more content…

A small portion of PVP was added each time; continued adding until a homogeneous mixture was obtained (granules stick together, maintained shape – not too wet and not too dry) The total weight of PVP used was 29.03 ml. A tray was weighed, used to carry the granules. The homogenous mixture is passed through a 1mm sieve; granules are collected on the pre-weighed tray (3 trays in total) Granules were spread evenly. The total weight of the tray and granules was recorded. The granules were then dried in the oven at 70 0C. The dried granules were then passed through a 2mm sieve to get rid of any large granules. Finally, it was passed through a 0.5mm sieve to get rid of any fine particles in the granules. After receiving the batch of compressed paracetamol tablets, the tablets were run through numerous tests to measure the quality of the tablets by observing whether the tablets passed the in-house acceptance limits obtained from the British Pharmacopoeia for each test obtained. The tests that were carried out were: uniformity of content, uniformity of weight, dissolution, and friability test obtained tablets, disintegration and diametric compression …show more content…

Weight out each tablet and then recorded, before it was crushed into fine power by a mortar and a weighing boat. An empty volumetric flask was weighted and recorded; the volumetric flask was weighted and recorded again after the crushed tablet was transferred into flask. Distilled water was then added to the volumetric flask with a stirrer bead. Then, transferred to a magnetic stirrer for 10 minutes on a speed of 3. This was then diluted down by 1/10 as the concentration; this is so that it is still within calibration curve date range and could then be compared against it. 1mL of each of the samples was then withdrawn and then absorbance was

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