Calorimetry: How to Count Your Food

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The calorimeter is a large round silver cylinder with a smaller cylinder inside. It has 3 holes around the bottom edge of the larger chamber. The smaller chamber is held at the top by a metal rod the goes through both chambers. Below the small chamber, there is a cork with a needle sticking straight up from it (that is where you place the food to be tested). The small chamber has a thermometer in it which measures the temperature of the water if you were to use it. The top of the small chamber is covered by aluminum foil to preserve heat transfer. The thermometer is sticking out of the aluminum foil. The use of this device is easier than you’d think. First, measure and record the weight of the food sample using a triple beam balance. Then, fill the small chamber about halfway with water and measure the mass and initial temperature of the water. Next, impale the food sample on the needle. Next, light the food sample on fire, once it catches, immediately place the small chamber on top with the rod, above the flame. After the food sample has fully burned out, caref...

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