Persuasive Letter To Mom Case Study

549 Words2 Pages

Dear Ms. Julia Olsen:
Each day increases the number of American families that face the tasks of balancing demanding work schedules and family obligations. Unfortunately, in case after case one finds the woman carries the major portion of these obligations. Recently I spoke with the mother of two young daughters. She went on to describe how she handled the task this responsibility saying:
“It’s a delicate balancing act. I feel the slightest misstep in any direction could cause something or everything to come tumbling down around me.”
I find it shocking that one in 18 families, a woman is the only parent in a household. In one out of 4 single-parent families, mothers with pre-school or elementary-age children work outside the home. Here at the Working Mothers Foundation, we reach out, offering assistance for these mothers in a tangible way.
Advocates and counselors within our pre-school program, Pooh and Friends, have developed the techniques of …show more content…

We now face the financial burden and the realization we are approaching our limits. This is why I am reaching out to you. Our foundation is in need of funding. We are seeking assistance of those, as yourself, that embrace their community and are willing to share personal success with worthy causes.
We are asking for personal contributions of $50 or $100, to help us sustain our worthwhile efforts to continue assisting working mothers and their children. Checks can be made out to The Working Mothers Foundation. I have enclosed a postage paid envelope for your convenience. We, at the foundation, and the children supported, would be grateful for your tax-deductible charitable donation.
Our foundation has proven its worth in our community. Your assistance now will provide our next generation of young people an invaluable opportunity instilling values and responsibilities in the years to

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