Persuasive Essay: Should Kids Have Summer Break

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“Should Kids Have Summer Break” During summer break students learn very import thing for their life. In this easy I am telling you three reasons why students should have summer break. The first reason students should have summer break is for summer enrichments, second reason is for scheduling, and the third reason is for teacher planning time.
The first reason kids should have summer brake is for other enrichments. According to “Summer Learning Programs: What, Why, and Now,” it says taking summer break is good for students so they can take special summer programs that interest them that they can’t take in class. Some students take hands on enrichment programs to develop the skills they want. They can take programs anywhere from athletics, language, science, and art. In addition, this article reports there are summer camps where you can stay with other students with the same interests (“Summer Learning Programs: What, Why, and Now”). I think summer programs are great for students so they get a chance to go out and do what they want and can explore things they like. According to “Summer Enrichment Programs” the majority of students in enrichment class gain a learning in social skills. Students find these to be like more fun camps then summer school. …show more content…

According to “The Pros and Cons of Year around School” you need summer break so that you have enough family time. Hiring babysitters is a lot harder with year around school. After an intense school year teachers also look forward to a long summer break (The Pros and Cons of Year around School). Summer break is needed not only for students but also teachers. According to “Summer Learning Programs: What, Why, and Now,” summer vacations is a way you can learn helpful things that you can’t get in the class room (“Summer Learning Programs: What, Why, and Now”). Students can learn a lot of things on summer break they can’t learn in the

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