Imagine you come home from school, go to Volleyball, then a piano lesson, then have to go to your brother’s Soccer game, and then finally get around to doing your homework. Tough night, huh? Well a tough night can lead to a rough morning and it almost always does. So a couple extra hours of sleep in the morning wouldn’t hurt right? That is why school should start later.
One reason that school should start later is because children are too tired to pay attention that early in the morning. An article on written by The National Sleep Foundation states that school starting before 9:00AM causes sleep deprivation and lower performance in academics to athletics. It also says that it changes children’s sleeping patterns/schedule. Say a child goes to a concert for school, has a football game, a piano recital, or anything that keeps them up late. Well that one
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night can change their whole sleeping schedule. So children are going to need to catch up on that sleep in the morning instead of having it impact their sleeping schedule and grades. The last thing it says is that children with less sleep are more likely to get involved with drugs and/or alcohol when they’re older. Clearly, school needs to start later because children are too tired to pay attention that early in the morning. Another reason that school should start later is because kids are not getting enough sleep.
Kids need at least 9 hours of sleep per night and they’re not getting that. Studies show that kids get only about 7½-8½ hours of sleep per night. An article called Sleep In Adolescents states that middle schoolers and young adolescents don’t get enough sleep because puberty changes changes their sleeping schedules, they have to get up too early for school, and homework and after-school activities keep them up later. Clearly school needs to start later because kids are not getting enough sleep.
The last reason that school should start later is because children are being rushed to get ready in the morning. There an article on calleed Getting Your Kids Out The Door. You can already tell by the title that it has to do with parents. But it says in the article that kids sleep in a little later. But because of this they’re forced to rush to get ready because they wake up later. Clearly, school should start later because children are being rushed to get ready in the
morning. Overall, school should start later because first of all, children are too tired to pay attention that early in the morning. Second of all, children are not getting enough sleep. And last but not least, children are being rushed to get ready in the morning. A solution for this problem could be a group of people against this could talk to the principal and try to have school start at 9:00AM. That is why school should start later.
Many people argue that starting schools later will let students get more sleep and align with the students sleep cycles. But they do not factor in that students will just stay up later at night because they know that they do not have to get up as early in the morning. This will just leave students with less sleep than before. Also students will be up later finishing homework and socializing on their phones with friends. Although schools will now have been adjusted to fit with students sleep cycles, that does not mean that the students will actually
Every fall teens wake up all groggy and tired because of school starting early. To stop that schools could start later. Why you say because young, growing teens need sleep. And it is proven what growing teens need at least 8 hours a day, they're not getting it. This is why schools should start later.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, biological sleep patterns change throughout the stages of adolescence. ¨Biological sleep patterns shift toward later times for both sleeping and waking during adolescence-meaning it is natural to not be able to fall asleep before 11:00pm.¨ (¨Teens and Sleep¨). Messing with these sleep cycles in the long run and lead to sleep disorders. Research done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests teenagers 13-18 years old should regularly sleep 8-10 hours each night for a healthy sleep. The teens who do not get a good amount of sleep are more likely to suffer from mental conditions, smoking, illicit drugs, and alcohol use. ¨Not getting enough sleep is common among high school students and is associated with several health risks including being overweight, drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, and using drugs, as well as poor academic performance.¨ (¨Schools Start Too Early¨). On an NBC news story, Hilton Head Island High School moved its start time and benefits were noticeable. Students had higher test score averages and grades improved throughout the school.A study done in 2008 published in the journal of clinical sleep, found car accident rates fell by 16.5% when students were more aware on the road, not having to wake up before 7 am.
Based on the article on The National Sleep Foundation, when it's time for school the average teen body still thinks it's the middle of the night.
Everyone has always hated getting up super early to go to school. As children get older they move to different schools, from elementary to middle to high school, and the start times get earlier. In elementary school it was never a problem getting up but getting older, it always got harder to get up and the days were always longer. Schools start so early in the morning that it is hard to focus and students tend to miss more of their earlier classes and attend all of their later classes. Schools everywhere should start later because it would benefit the students and teachers.
Kids and teen everywhere are rushed, stressed, and not doing as well in school because they aren't getting the right amount of sleep. About 40% of american high schools start classes before 8:00 am and more than 20% of middle schools start at 7:45 am or earlier. School start times should be later because teens need sleep and it improves their overall academic grades.
If school started later, kids wouldn’t be so tired in the morning. School starting later is very beneficial because kids wouldn’t sleep so much in class. Students need a total of 8-10 hours of sleep on school days to be awake in the morning. 33% of teens report falling asleep in class every day. 73% of high school students get fewer than 8 hours of sleep on school nights, with 46% of middle school students getting barely 7 hours of sleep.
Starting school later also has a lot of health and academical benefits. Even if the school day starts 30 minutes later, It has proven to show great benefits for teenagers. In the pass Up For Debate: Should School Start Later It says “As a result, students were showing up to school alert and ready to learn and are focused and engaged in lessons.” Some people believe that starting earlier is better because a later start results in a later end to the day. But changing it to a later time will still give kids enough time to sleep and get their work
School Should Begin Later in the Day Many teenage high school students are tired during the school day. distracting them from their studies. That is just one of the many good reasons. that the start time of school should be later in the day. Some people may say that the brain is not fully functional until 9:30 is just a matter of opinion.
Early school start times affect the mental and physical health of students. If schools start later, students would be more ready to learn. With the early start times, students are not getting enough sleep and that is affecting their performance in earlier classes. They come to these classes like zombies and do not really take in what they are hearing.
If the school starts later in the morning, then the students can get more sleep and be more alert, and get higher grades on tests and quizzes. If the school starts later in the morning- even by half an hour- then the students will get not get moody, and they also won’t have to be absent for fewer
You’re in your bed sleeping peacefully when all of a sudden you’re jolted awake by your alarm. You drag yourself out of bed, having only gotten five hours of sleep. Does that sound like a nightmare? For many students, that’s a reality. Many students feel they aren’t getting enough sleep which can lead to more problems at school; therefore, school should start later in the day because it would increase grades, keep students safer, and allow teenagers to get enough sleep.
Schools should start later because of the many health benefits obesity, mood swings, and less car accidents for the high school students. According to the article, “Should Schools Start Later” with enough sleep students “have a lower risk of being in car accidents and have fewer health problems, such as depression, mood changes, and being overweight.” This shows that later start times means more sleep and more sleep means less health risks.
If we started school later it would help out more than you think. Most kids would be getting more sleep than normal. We would even be more awake, which would help us focus more in class. By school starting later we can have more time to get ready because most kids don’t even have time to get breakfast. When we wake up most of the time the sun hasn’t even risen over
Should school start at 7:00 or should it start later in the morning? In Douglas High School, start times are at 7:30 in the morning. Changing the school schedule to a later start time would result in many other changes affecting a lot of people. According to the Sleep Foundation, "The change will affect the entire community, from students and parents to businesses, libraries, police, youth sports clubs, bus drivers and many others." Altering the school schedule would influence numerous aspects of people’s lives. Highly coordinated routines would have to be changed and adapted to the new schedule. A later release time would take time off of students’ free time in the afternoon. Clubs, sports, jobs, and other after-school activities would have