Persuasive Essay On Why School Should Start Later?

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Imagine you come home from school, go to Volleyball, then a piano lesson, then have to go to your brother’s Soccer game, and then finally get around to doing your homework. Tough night, huh? Well a tough night can lead to a rough morning and it almost always does. So a couple extra hours of sleep in the morning wouldn’t hurt right? That is why school should start later.
One reason that school should start later is because children are too tired to pay attention that early in the morning. An article on written by The National Sleep Foundation states that school starting before 9:00AM causes sleep deprivation and lower performance in academics to athletics. It also says that it changes children’s sleeping patterns/schedule. Say a child goes to a concert for school, has a football game, a piano recital, or anything that keeps them up late. Well that one …show more content…

Kids need at least 9 hours of sleep per night and they’re not getting that. Studies show that kids get only about 7½-8½ hours of sleep per night. An article called Sleep In Adolescents states that middle schoolers and young adolescents don’t get enough sleep because puberty changes changes their sleeping schedules, they have to get up too early for school, and homework and after-school activities keep them up later. Clearly school needs to start later because kids are not getting enough sleep.
The last reason that school should start later is because children are being rushed to get ready in the morning. There an article on calleed Getting Your Kids Out The Door. You can already tell by the title that it has to do with parents. But it says in the article that kids sleep in a little later. But because of this they’re forced to rush to get ready because they wake up later. Clearly, school should start later because children are being rushed to get ready in the

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