Persuasive Essay On Summer Break

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Those raised in America know and miss summer break. However, with a century’s worth of studies piling up, people are now calling for change. Lack of structure during summer break lets unguided children make poor decisions, and the effects of the break carry into the school year and affect students and teachers alike. Although a long summer break has been standard in America for years now, studies are showing that it has a detrimental impact on students. Because most students are unsupervised and unenrolled in educational classes, 90% of America’s youth are faced with loss of knowledge and skills over the summer. Many parents, especially in lower-income households, have to leave their children at home. Without the structure of school, many kids left alone in the summer are more likely to “use… drugs,... engage in criminal activity,... and drop out of school” ( 2). Without the guidance to use their energy and time for productive activities, children have options opened to them that will lead them awry. When the basis schedule for American schools was made, it was to accommodate children's’ need to help in …show more content…

And yet, children still need a break from school to participate in extracurricular activities, as well as to socialize. Studies have shown that students lose a sizeable amount of knowledge from the previous year. Since the students have lost a good chunk of what they learned the previous year, teachers have to spend “a month or more reviewing material students have already been taught” ( 2). An entire month out of the eight that students spend in school is not used for its full potential, and teachers have to compromise their lesson plans to accommodate this review month. If schools began to take shorter, more frequent breaks, students and teachers alike would not have to combat loss material

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