Persuasive Essay On Fall Season

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Summer has come to an end and you are probably thinking you've lost the opportunity to sell, and need to wait until next summer. But that's far from the truth! Although, it's not as hectic with the swarm of buyers on the market. The fall season bring out the most serious of lookers. They are the pool of buyers that waited out the summer frenzy to find their perfect home, and you don't want to miss this! Selling in a slower period does not equate less money. That's a misconception home owners have based on untrue data that floats around. With the right real estate agent, your home being priced correctly, you can get a great deal selling your home during the fall season. Here are the top 3 benefits to listing right now:

Although the summer brings in a large crowd, fall home buyers tend to be more interested in buying as they have now spent time looking at their options and have a better idea of what they want. Some may have even put in multiple offers during the busy season and was beat by the competition. If you have people investing time to look during the fall season, they are more likely to be interested in actually buying your home, instead of touring it. Not to mention, the pressure to buy …show more content…

That's why a significant amount of homes get listed during the spring/summer season. This could possibly mean the house next door that may have more perks that was listed during the summer, doesn't make yours sit stagnant or devalue your home. Housing inventory is still under the 6-month supply that is needed for a normal housing market. For the majority of the country, there are not enough homes for sale to satisfy the number of buyers in the market. This can be good news! With this slower season, you not only have dedicated buyers but you can spend more attention to your property, which increases the chance of a sale. Making fall the perfect time for you to

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