Persuasive Essay On Sugar

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First, let me emphasize that for both adults and infants, consumption of sugar over each day should be moderate because, in excess, can be detrimental to our health and cause disease such as diabetes, obesity and other cardiovascular diseases. Adults are older and can impulses, but a baby should be educated from the beginning.
When is it advisable to introduce sugar into your baby's diet?
First, note that glucose is a simple carbohydrate, specifically a monosaccharide elemental normally found in sucrose (sugar) you consume. When we consume sugar, it stays in the bloodstream and goes through a process by which it is transferred to the liver for energy and the excess is stored as fat.
The sources where we can find sugar are very diverse, is not the same as eating sugar cane to eat an apple (which also has sugar as fructose and glucose). Despite being two sources provide …show more content…

That is, a child that measures 75cm high need to consume approximately 1200 kilocalories per day for good health. The daily sugar intake in children of 1-3 years should be a maximum of about 17 grams of sugar a day. What would be a seven or eight percent of total kilocalories that our baby would need.
The hidden sugar in food.
As always, the dose makes the poison and unfortunately, we live in a society that abuses in excess of sugars for use in foods commonly found in supermarkets. Some think they do not consume sugar because they do not use sugar in their diet as such, but the food they eat is present.
For example, when we buy packaged ham, if we read the nutrition labeling we realize that one of the ingredients is sugar. It is recommended to read the labels of foods you buy for your kids, so you can identify the in it.
Besides sugar, sometimes the ingredients are usually corn syrup, high fructose, fruit juice concentrate, sucrose, glucose, dextrose, cane juice, malt, molasses, lactose,

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