Persuasive Essay On Cyberbullying

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"Everyday in the media there are stories about cyberattacks, cyberbullying and hackings. The internet is a place where people may exercise their freedom of speech but some people can not impose their own filters. Words like “go kill yourself,” “no one likes you” and “why are you still here?”are thrown around as if they mean nothing. This type of harassment can be lethal to students who have not matured enough to cope with the permanent and all pervasive damage that can be caused through the internet. More than one in three adolescents have experienced cyberbullying threats. Cyber attacks can lead to an increase in depression, anxiety and suicide (bullying statistics). These are devastating statistics. Although, it is important for …show more content…

Laws requiring the enforcement of cyberbullying rules are constitutional. Courts have long held that students have first amendment rights; however schools may restrict those rights in certain situations. In the Supreme Court case of Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent Community School District, the court found that students had a right to wear arm bands to protest the Vietnam war at school but only because it caused no substantial disruption at school. Later court decisions have built on that holding and recognized situations where schools can restrict student speech (Oyez). In the case of Bethel School District vs. Fraser, the court found that schools could restrict vulgar and lewd …show more content…

However, what happens if the cyberbullying takes place at a recreation department sporting event, a summer camp or Sunday school? For this reason it is important that the law requiring cyberbullying policies apply to all organizations which serve students. In this way cyberbullying policies are more likely to impact all aspects of a student’s life and the goal to prevent such bullying is more likely

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