Should Schools Be Allowed To Limit Students Online Speech?

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Total freedom does not exist. Being American has made some people believe that they have the freedom to do whatever they want, but this isn’t the case. In this day and age students are free to use texting, social media, and they also have access to various other things on the internet. Some students use these resources responsibly and do not abuse these methods, but on the other hand some students use these resources immaturely and usually cause great dilemmas that can extend to their school life. Consequently, schools should be allowed to limit students’ online speech because cyberbullying can cause widespread problems among both students and teachers, it disrupts learning, and it violates students’ civil rights. Cyberbullying has become a widespread problem. The more people have been using the internet, the more the number of cyberbullying incidents increase. According to document A, 25.1% of girls and 16.6% of boys reported being bullied in their lifetime. In addition to this, document A also …show more content…

Document C, states that K.K., a 12th grade student from Musselman High School made a discussion group on Myspace that accused a peer, S.N., of being sexually promiscuous and that she invited 100 people from her school to join and 24 actually accepted. This is an example of how cyberbullying disrupts learning, the 12th grader not only harassed her peer, but she also invited various students from school to join her and many did. K.K. disrupted the school by inviting others to join her in humiliating S.N., this not only has an effect on the victim, but it also has an effect on how the victim actually feels at school. After being cyberbullied by a classmate school can become an environment of fear and disrespect, preventing the victims from learning. Students also feel insecure, embarrassed, and unsafe. Students’ shouldn’t have to deal with extra stress at school because school is already stressful as it

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