Why Do High Schoolers Lose Their Freedom Of Speech

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High Schoolers are losing their freedom of speech from how they feel politically, or simple opinions that they have on the internet somewhere far away from schools and this is unfair in every way shape and form. Schools are suppose to be places where students can both express themselves but also learn from the teachers and also between the students themselves. So what is happening in the 21st century is that schools are taking away High Schoolers individuality.

Starting with the claim High Schoolers are losing their freedom of speech politically. “How so?” you are probably asking yourself well let me first introduce to the Diocese of Rockville Centre they run three catholic schools in each of this schools they have stated that if any student …show more content…

Such examples include when a senior in high school named Pat Brown was suspended for three days because while he was on twitter he made a rude hashtag name “#shitCNSshouldcut” which he used to suggest ways he wanted his school to save money after the event of voters rejecting a 144.7 billion budget plan. But also making jokes like laying off the principal and getting rid of the anime club. The Principal on the other hand didn't enjoy the jokes which cause Pat Brown to be accused of “harassing the principle” and “inciting a social media riot that disrupted the learning environment.”Pat Brown was wrongfully accused it was just a bad joke that went awry and should have not been suspended for it. This is not the only example of the school administrators punishing students for what they say on the internet such a case to the student in Heights High School Ms. Wesley Teague was suspended and barred from attending graduation for tweeting “Heights U is the equivalent WSU’s Football team” which is a reference to a nearby school football team shutting down. The school found this to be “inciting a disturbance” as well as “aggressively disrespecting the athletes”. This is completely unfair Teague did not do any harm it was another harmless jokes that did not hurt anyone but someone probably took it to offense and caused this backlash which

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