Persuasive Essay On Bilingual Education

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Persuasive Essay
Adriana Gerena
Comp I
Desiree Kennedy

In Miami, an eight year old girl from Barcelona, Spain, started school not knowing a single word of English. For half the day, she received half of her classes in Spanish and the other half in English. In five months, she learned English, and in seven months, she was the most active participating student in her class. Because she was placed in an English Language Learners (ELL) program, learning English was easy for her (HPL, 2013). There are many benefits of bilingual education in public schools for children of all ages, and many schools in the United States are fighting to keep ELL programs in the school systems.
“It costs taxpayers too much money to provide government services in languages other than English” (Teaching Tolerance, 2011). The use of a language other than English can not only make it easier but also more beneficial to serve taxpayers. For example, it is easier, quicker, and more economical for claim representatives who speak and communicate in the client’s native language to collect information. Not only does ELL teach bilingualism or help make a job task easier, but it also has been proven that a person who is bilingual he or she receives a better pay, scores well academically overall in the long term, and moves freely in an English language dominated society (NLCI, 2013).
Studies show that the more schools developed children’s with other language skills, the higher he or she scored academically overall (NABE, 2002). Students that are in ELL score higher on state exams, have better comprehension skills of math, English, writing, and are well above average in overall academics. It defends children’s sense of pride in t...

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... sometimes more languages without any issues to his or her learning. For example, in Switzerland, the home language may be French, Swiss-German, Italian, or Romansh, but most children learn one additional language very early, and by the time they graduate from secondary school, the majority of students are trilingual (CAL, 2014).
As many people from other linguistic background are migrating to the United States, it is important that the school systems keep ELL programs available for the students in the public schools not only so the students can move freely in an English- language dominated society but because those students are the future of this great nation and deserve to have the same opportunities as English language student as well. To conclude ELL programs can be a very vital tool that public school systems can provide for English speaking students.

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