Supporting Language and Literacy for English Language Learners

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Supporting Literacy and Language for English Language Learners
Teachers have a diverse group of learners in a classroom. English Language Learners represent a rapidly growing number in preschool age children. The preschool teacher needs to nurture and provide culturally and linguistically support for them to succeed in literacy and language. It has been proven educators support English Language Learners to gain literacy and language knowledge by encouraging children’s home language, social interaction, guided dialogue, and direct instruction. These foundations and resources serve for making the connection with English literacy text, language, and develop academic strengths. Teachers implement literacy and language interactions in the classroom by observing, planning intentionally goal settings, and developing literacy and language strategic instructional curriculum for English Language Learners.
Research demonstrates English Language Learners use home language to make connection with English text and their experiences to succeed in school. Although, their home language may not be the principal language of instruction in an English classroom: dual language learners use their home language, English, or both to acquire English vocabulary and oral language in the preschool setting. Their home language is an asset to broaden their knowledge. It should not be discouraged to be used at school and at home. If they lost their home language they lose important family connections, tradition, heritage, which could lead to self-esteem and social emotional problems in their youth. For all these reasons, supporting and encouraging dual language learning in young children makes sense and is crucial to their long-term success (Magruder, et at...

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...trategies. Early Childhood Education Journal, 38(6), 421-429. Retrieved from:,uid&db=eft&AN=58605996&site=eds-live
Magruder, E. S., Hayslip, W. W., Espinosa, L. M., Matera, C. (March, 2013). Many languages, one teacher: supporting language and literacy development for preschool dual language learners. Young Children. 68(1) 8-15. Retrieved from:
Soltero-Gonzalez, L (2009) Preschool latino immigrant children: using the home language as a resource for literacy learning. Theory Into Practice. 48(4), 283-289.
Doi: 10.1080/00405840903192771 Retrieved from:,uid&db=buh&AN=44398654&site=eds-live

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