Persuasive Essay On Being A Veterinarian

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Veterinarians are medical professionals who look out for the well being of animals. Today’s pets play more of an active part in everyday life. Veterinarians are crucial in treating and diagnosing those animals; they make sure the animals stay healthy and in good care.
In order to be a veterinarian it requires years of study. First off the bat, in high school one should be strong in science and take college preparatory courses (“Veterinarians”). Furthermore, to be a veterinarian one must have a high school diploma (“Veterinary”). The process to become a veterinarian is difficult but with the right classes one can accomplish the task. 28 colleges are accredited to teach the veterinary practice. It requires a lifetime of dedication and study (Devantier).
Above all, one’s future depends on the college they choose to attend. The first step is a bachelor’s degree (D.V.M.) one must have studied for at least 4 years (“Veterinarians”). Next, “Applicants must take the Veterinary Aptitude Test, Medical College Admission Test, or the Graduate Record Examination” (“Veterinarians”).
In addition to all the tests, one must be licensed in the state where one works, pass the clinical competency exam, and pass the board exam, just to be a certified veterinarian (Greenland). After one is certified as a veterinarian next they must begin their careers. “Most veterinarians begin their careers as employees of established clinical practices and some go on to establish their own clinics” (Greenland). This comes to prove one can always move up in the career ladder if they are certified in that specific state (Greenland).
Similarly, “Professional certification, combined with work experience, helps animal caretakers earn higher pay and obta...

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...Caretakers”). This proves animals have a better chance to heal when there is a vet by their side. In our country about 160 programs teach young adults how to be a veterinarian (“Veterinary”). The demands for veterinarians are rising.
“Veterinarians are dedicated to the protection of the health and welfare of all animals and to a society as a whole. There are about 59,700 veterinarians in the United States” (“Veterinarians”). “ Veterinary medicine has made many great strides since its interdiction in this country, one advance being the significant reduction in animal disease contracted by humans” (“Veterinarians”). Veterinarians have made the world healthier and healed many animals around the globe.
Overall on the national level the demands for veterinaries are rising to a new level (Greenland). The more our world develops the more need we have for Veterinarians.

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