Persuasive Essay: Longer School Days

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Longer School Days

“Extending [a] schedule could cost on average [of] $1,200 extra per student” (Arnold 1). The government has been debating on if increasing the school day would benefit grades K-12 (Tucker 1). Increasing a school day causes exhaustion and a shorter attention span in most students. Government should not make the school day longer.
First of all Students do not receive enough sleep. If the government decides to extend school days students would go to school for “ 8-hour… day would force most students to get up at 5:30 a.m… and return home at 5:00 p.m… students would be putting in almost [a] 12- hour day” (Tucker 1). “Some students, even as old as eighth- graders, suffer from post lunch attention deficit syndrome, and aren't mentally prepared to take on an additional hour of class-work” (Tucker 1). Do to students not getting enough sleep, it affects the learning …show more content…

Extended day schools tell students “stay two hours longer, and you can have recess… The standardized test score gap kicks off a huge curriculum…” (Ohanian 1). “Skipping sleep can be harmful- even deadly… Teens need about 8- 10 hours of sleep each night to function best” (Teens and Sleep). Do to students being more tired, teachers would have to figure out a way to stay focused for the students that's why they would get played more.
Senior teachers could make $20,000 more every year; however students would have to pay more money to allow the teachers with that kind of ay check. “Extending schedule could cost on average $1,200 extra per student, Massachusetts is spending about $1,300 per student extra o its extended school day” (Arnold 1). “In Chicago, about $10 million was spent in 2011 for 50 public schools to lengthen their days” (Anderson 1). The cost to pay for extra school hours is unreasonable. Compared to how most teachers would have to use that check they go to enroll their own kids to an extended

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