Persuasive Essay About Studying Abroad

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I have heard many great things about studying abroad from family and friends. I hear things, including: studying abroad allows one to experience another culture directly, helps you develop new skills that you cannot learn in a classroom, and also helps one learn about themselves. Listening to the people close to me talk about how amazing their time abroad, was made me realize it is something I desire to do. I know this opportunity will be extremely beneficial to me for numerous reasons: I want to learn more about who I am and my values, I have never been off of the continent before, it is a great thing to put on my résumé and will enhance employment opportunities. I will value studying abroad in Italy because this experience will assist me …show more content…

Like stated above, I am from Green Bay and go to school in De Pere, therefore, I am very familiar with the area. Since I grew up in this area, I know a lot of people I can talk to if I need help or a lot of places I can go. Going to Italy, I will no longer have that comfort and will no longer be able to rely on those people or places. I plan on overcoming this challenge by educating myself with the Italian culture before I arrive. Some strategies I will do include: reading articles on google or a book from the library, and asking my friend questions about the area and culture. I want to learn as much information I can before being able to experience it first-hand. I am also interested in reaching out to my classmates that are studying abroad with me; this way I know a familiar face and we can talk about our concerns, opinions, and interest together. By doing these things, I know I will be ready to be out of my comfort …show more content…

The credit that I would fulfill doing this abroad program, an advanced Western Tradition, fits perfectly in my schedule and will help me be one step closer to my early graduation. Most obviously, studying abroad will also benefit my education by giving me a wider-range of knowledge. I will get the chance to talk to numerous people of different backgrounds, hearing what they have done in their life and how they got where they are. By studying abroad, I will stand out to employers by being able to state this experience on my résumé and enhance my chances to find a great job. I would be grateful for the opportunity to offer employers something that others cannot. Studying abroad will help me do this because I will meet a lot of diverse people in Italy. I want to prove to employers that I have the confidence and am brave enough to step outside of my comfort zone, which in the long run this will show them that I can do anything that needs to be done because I have the drive and passion they are looking

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