Persuasive Essay About Hunting

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Hunting to survive has been a basic instinct and a way of life since the time of man. Hunting animals to gather meat and food, using their hides for clothing and even building houses with them and in some countries using it as a ceremony to pass into manhood. Hunting animals was necessary in the lives of humans to feed families and it also helped the environment. But now there is no need for hunting since the advancement of time, we have farmers who raise pigs, cows and chickens for our needs and food. We have farmers who use sheep and other plants to bring in wool and cotton for clothing and such. There is no need for hunting anymore. But to some it’s not just for survival to some it’s just plain fun. Poaching is just trophy hunting and a …show more content…

To one just killing an animal means nothing, but once the numbers start increasing the impact starts showing. The balance of hunter and prey is a very fragile system that cannot be tampered with as if it were a toy. Take the example that one green planet used when the North American grey wolf was poached nearly to extinction. Due to that happening the elk population rose and it nearly ate the alpine tree to extinction. To one it might be unbelievable or even untrue but it happens more than not. It can take years before anyone notices. Plants and vegetation need birds to carry their seeds in order to grow and keep the population steady. Bison and deer and elk and such animals eat shrubs and grass and fertilize the soil keeping from forests going rampage in the grasslands. Every animal plays a role in keeping the environment healthy and sustainable to its needs and the needs of other …show more content…

Animals can be an attraction to outsiders who pay to go see or spend time with them. Safari trips and trips into the rainforest and into national parks affect the local communities and its income. To some they rely on these animals to be safe from extinction to continue having customers whether it’s to sell them memorabilia or merchandise or even activities with the local animals. In Yellowstone National Park due to its attractions in wildlife and scenery it brings in an income of $382 million in communities surrounding the park. That spending supported 5,300 jobs in the area taken from the report of Yellowstone. (4)From bars to lodging it helps create an economy for the community and jobs for those people. But without those attractions the impact would be more devastating than not. To some these animals are a way of life and to allow poachers to continue to kill them is

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