Trophy Hunting Persuasive Essay

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Trophy hunting needs to stop.

Hunting is supposed to be for food not for the horns or to show off. Trophy hunting should be banned. Most people trophy hunt to show off their money. If you shoot an animal, you should take the meat. It's not fair for the people who hunt for food that their meat if getting shot and let lay except the horns.

What is trophy hunting you may ask. "The trophy is the animal (or its head, skin or any other body part) that the hunter keeps as a souvenir. It is a booming industry and is legal..." (Carwardine 2016). There are different kinds of trophy hunting. There is also canned hunting "Canned hunting is trophy hunting in the most unfair way for an animal. In which the animal is bred on ranches and held captive …show more content…

If you are killing the wolfs and grizzly's then you are killing the Tourism. Females are having less and less cubs each year. Some were saying " was too late to save the biggest carnivore in the United States."(Tribune 2017). Today there are more then 700 grizzlies' spreads across the country across. In yellow stone national park there are multiple species of bears but there is no hunting allowed.

"The sale sent a message to the world that vainglorious hunters will pay almost anything to kill something exceedingly rare -- in this instance, a species already being wiped out for the value of its horn." (Flocken, Jeffrey 2018). Just because you are killing the animal and the money is going to conservation purposes doesn’t mean anything if there's 4 females and 1 male and you kill the male, granite you donated money, but the females won’t be able to have kids and then there goes the species and so on.

"Pictures featuring dozens of elephants with their tusks, ears and feet dismembered may seem gruesome, but that what poachers do, they usually to trade their parts in Asia, where demand for ivory is high." (Wall Street Journal). There are just as many elephants killed by poachers as trophy hunters. More and more elephants get killed. "Trophy hunting fees also go to conservation funding." (Stapelkamp, Brent, and Monica Serrano

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