Hunting Essays

  • Hunting And Hunting: The Benefits Of Hunting

    949 Words  | 2 Pages

    Andrea Beyer Mrs. Taylor PreAP English II 8 April 2014 The Benefits of Hunting Our ancestors had only one way to survive when electricity, plumbing, and farming were not available: hunting. Killing animals for their skin, feathers, bone, and meat was the only way exist. Men spent days in the wilderness tracking beings that could sustain their families for days. The practice is still alive today and has even gained popularity to where competitions are held for hunters. Though they could drive

  • Hunting And Hunting: The Purpose Of Hunting

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    Hunting and hunters have been part of human nature since the beginning of time. Some may argue that it is because of this activity that we have evolved into highly efficient and intellectual animals and thus into a culture. However until recently, animal activist, conservatives and non-hunters have begun to question and criticize the purpose of hunting. Mike Lapierre, Jane Goodall, Ward Clark, and Sharon Levy define their opinion on what hunters and hunting mean to them. The authors discuss the important

  • hunting

    760 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hunting has been a necessity for life since the start of time. Hunting was needed to feed family’s day in and day out. But in the twenty first century, Americans have evolved so hunting is not really as big of an obligation as it was in previous generations. Americans have learned to contain specific animals, such as cows, pigs and chickens, farmers then raise them and harvest them for their meat. But in some rural areas of the United States, it is a completely different aspect. Individuals who live

  • hunting

    883 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hunting can be an extremely fun activity. It can also be very relaxing. Hunting is a good use of time. The change that settled agricultural existence with peoples need to catch food to survive along with most peoples love of hunting, will hopefully continue into further generations. Hunting offers excitement, tested strength, and also courage ("Longbows") Aboriginal people hunted and trapped animals for uses like shelter, food, clothing or tools. They also traded, trading of pelts dates

  • hunting

    658 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tree stands are platform used for hunting from an elevated position/tree, ground blinds are tent like covering used for hunting from low elevations/ground, and both are ways to hunt for animals. Although separated by a height difference, both allow the hunter to be hidden. Each of the two accomplish the task of killing the animal, tree stand from the tops of trees, and ground blinds from the ground. Even though they have the same purpose, tree stands offer a better range of sight, better vantage

  • Meat Hunting Vs. Trophy Hunting

    602 Words  | 2 Pages

    Trophy hunting is the unnecessary slaughter of animals universally enjoyed by sportsmen around the world. The roots of trophy hunting can be traced back as early as the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad when Buffalo Bill unjustly killed 4000 buffalo in the span of 18 months. Inversely, meat hunting is the killing of animals in order to use the meat to feed a family. During the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad, the Native Americans used this tactic in order for their communities

  • Personal Narrative: Hunting: The Experience Of Hunting

    763 Words  | 2 Pages

    my family tradition, the thrill of the hunt, and the reward I was about to take. Many traditions take place often, but mine only happens once month out of a year, November. November is the month that deer season starts with both bow and rifle. Hunting takes a lot of planning and patients. The place I hunt at is near Lamar, MO, but last year was the best by far. During bow season, I took down a doe and rifle season, I

  • The Benefits Of Hunting

    1010 Words  | 3 Pages

    Hunting is when a person kills or traps any animal, or pursues it with the intent of doing so. Hunting all types of animals is most commonly done by humans for food, recreation, or trade. In our days, lawful hunting is different from poaching, which is the illegal killing, trapping or capture of the hunted species. The hunted species are referred to as game and are usually mammals and birds. Hunting is also practiced forpest control. Hunting advocates state that hunting is a necessary factor of modern

  • Trophy Hunting

    1037 Words  | 3 Pages

    Conservation – Can Trophy Hunting Help Save Africa’s Wild? Sheds information on conservation. He informs his readers that, “Many conservancies allow trophy hunting because it is far easier to get a hunting concession running than to build the lodges and other infrastructure needed for photo safaris” (Adams). Supporters of Trophy hunting will suggest that the revenue from the practice helps the local communities. Jeff Flocken of National Geographic

  • Hunting Overpopulation

    785 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hunting is a time honored tradition that has been around millions of years dating all the way back to the Paleolithic period, additionally it is also a sport that is in one’s own view rewarding, that bestow an electrifying challenge for the hunter. In the wilderness, the problems of overpopulation are species is often solved by growth in population of predators. In the absence of predators, animals have freedom to all resources and tend to overpopulate. This is where seasonal population control hunting

  • Comparison Of Candle Hunting And Duck Hunting

    718 Words  | 2 Pages

    deer hunters not like duck hunting so much? Is it because of the shooting and they share the same reason? With deer hunting you get more meat to eat. Why do people like duck hunt so much if the don't get as much meat? Deer and duck hunting are two different types of sports. Deer hunting is a waiting game and you have to have patients to deer hunt (Hayden Williams). With duck hunting It is more if an challenge (Hayden Willliams).You don't use a scope during duck hunting so that is what makes it challenging

  • The Hunting Camp

    1652 Words  | 4 Pages

    Hunting Camp Finally, the time was here. It was fall break, and I had nothing to do but sit around and enjoy life. This area was covered with dirt, and no matter how hard I tried, I would get filthy. I couldn't wait to get home to take a nice shower. Even though it was so dungy, it was a nice place to sit around and clear my mind. In the middle of September, my mother and I would go to the store to buy tons of food for hunting camp. At last, after being at the store for hours, we would be

  • Is Hunting Ethical

    1043 Words  | 3 Pages

    Is Hunting Ethical? The practicality of hunting has long been a heated debate, each side has very good points. It seems people involved in this debate either think hunting should be left alone if not expanded, and the other side usually seems to think all hunting should be banned. Animal rights activists for the most part are totally against hunting. They bring up points like “hunters have driven many species into or close to extinction.”. They say this happens due to low accountability and laws

  • Is Hunting Ethical

    931 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hunting is a valuable aspect of American society. In 2011, 13.7 million Americans participated in hunting (“National Survey”). Which confirms numerous individuals care about this activity. Indigenous groups hunted to provide nourishment, protection, and clothing for their tribes. “Throughout history, hunters have regarded the pursuit of game as a rite of passage to manhood” (Worsnop). Through evolution and modern technology, hunting has progressed. Furthermore, specific positions have evolved for

  • The Importance Of Hunting

    1165 Words  | 3 Pages

    think hunting is barbaric and inhumane, but it helps keep the environment strong, keeps the animal populations at a healthy level, and is good for the people who hunt them. Hunting is practiced all over the world and has been for thousands of years. People oppose hunting simply because they see it as black-hearted or immoral. They do not see the rich qualities that come with hunting. If only they open their eyes to the wonderful qualities hunting provides, then they could see the good hunting does

  • Hunting Techniques

    1010 Words  | 3 Pages

    Hunting is a prime pastime for millions of Americans. Being able to own a gun and to hunt animals on land that you own is an immeasurable blessing and privilege. With this privilege comes great responsibility which includes following the laws that have been put in place concerning hunting, such as not hunting without a permit, using the correct techniques when hunting specific animals, and knowing what weapons are legal to hunt the specific animal with. There are many different animals to hunt, and

  • Hunting Narrative

    1772 Words  | 4 Pages

    colors, as they fell down and painted the earth. Buck season had just begun, and James was so pumped. It was his absolute favorite time of the year. Hunting was his passion and he couldn’t picture his life without it, especially since the mysterious disappearance of his mother a few years ago. It, in fact, helped him cope with her loss. James had been hunting for as long as he could remember with his dad and grandfather; way before his mom even died. He loved them very much, but never really got to hang

  • Hunting Reflection

    1859 Words  | 4 Pages

    States If one would like to hunt they must first look up their state laws because the hunter must take part in a hunter safety course. I can remember when I reach the young age of eleven I myself attended such a class. This class taught the basics of hunting laws and safety. The class was more of an informational class then anything however, its main purpose is for the hunter to open their minds to the importance of safety and the resources the state provides to the committee to help the wildlife. As

  • Is Hunting Ethical

    1875 Words  | 4 Pages

    According to a poll taken on, 48% of the people who voted believed hunting must not be banned and 52% believed it must be banned. The topic of hunting and what is ethical and what is unethical is often discussed and debated by hunters and anti-hunting organizations. Most anti-hunters believe hunters kill for fun, for bragging rights, and to bring home large antlers. Fred Bear, legendary bowhunter and founder of bear archery, said, “A hunt based only on the trophies taken falls far short

  • Hunting In 1800s

    1236 Words  | 3 Pages

    Well hunting is one of the number one things that have been created before our time. It is be of the most important things in our history today. Some consider hunting a sport; some do it just for fun. But all those are meaningless. People needed to hunt so they can survive and provide food for the families, villages, towns, etc. In order to survive back in their time, an important trait was hunting. If you had not skilled that or your family hasn’t skilled it, you are going to end up starving. All