Get Rid Of Guns By Molly Ivins Analysis

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Gun control

In"Get a Knife, Get a dog, but Get Rid of Gun," Molly Ivins argues on gun control laws and how guns should be banned or restricted to some people. In the essay she argues how knife is more safer than guns to use, because more likely people die from cleaning or using guns in wrong way. Author main purpose is to let people know guns is danger, and should be ban. She also points out the 2nd amendment and it says clearly that guns are for those who form part of a well-regulated militia, that is armed forced, including the National Guard. I agree with Ivins about the guns control, because guns is for special training people only, and private citizens shouldn't have gun, also we don’t need to hunt for food to survive and killing innocent animal just for fun.

Guns today are too danger to …show more content…

We live in the human society that animal becoming extinct, more people hunting animal just for fun like animal is just another toy to people chase around until the animal exhaust and then kill them, animal they have feeling just like humans. If we have guns control law is most likely no hunting anymore, we don’t need to hunt animal for food to survive. Many people kill animal just for their skin and fur. If humans continue killing innocent animal is will cause extinction to many animal. States with hunting law are less

Guns can only cause more violence and dead. Having a guns in the house is more likely cause accident dead to family member. Most victims die are young people and children, today young people are reckless they do everything even use guns for toy. Everyday TV and Newspaper are talk about people injury or even die from guns accident. Not only guns violence to human society, wild animal are getting hunt to extinct by hunter. People are using guns for wrong reasons, that why guns should be ban and limit to what people can

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