Constitutional Arguments Against Gun Control

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Since the inception of the Brady Act, over 118 million applications for firearm transfers or permits were subject to background checks. About 2.1 million applications, or 1.8%, were denied. When it comes to gun control, there are several disagreements. While some believe that guns should be extremely regulated or even banned, others maintain that guns are essential and should not be as heavily regulated. Despite objections, gun regulation is good as is. Some people believe that guns should be heavily regulated. In fact, According to Handgun Control ¨laws such as the Brady Act, which requires background checks on gun buyers, have prevented four hundred thousand felons and other prohibited purchasers from buying handguns.” These laws have done their job. This system still has its flaws. They are trying to fix a system that is not broken and usually when someone tries to fix something that is not broken they break it. Also, when there are new laws for gun …show more content…

Joseph Sobran argues that, “there are solid constitutional arguments against gun control. For one thing, nowhere in the Constitution is the federal government granted the right to limit an individual's right to own firearms”. He states that the government has no right to limit guns. Even though he has a point there is a limit to that statement such as serious criminals and mentally unstable people. Likewise Sharon Harris states that guns protect people against criminals, “the right to bear arms protects the individual from violent aggressors and from the ineffective protection state and federal government is offering its citizens … criminals benefit from gun control laws that make it more difficult for ordinary citizens to protect themselves.” She believes that guns keep people safe and that regulating guns will only benefit criminals. This is not true because regulations help prevent criminals from getting guns. Having less regulations is a dangerous

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