Personal Statement of Why I Want to Be a Filmmaker

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“My life is story telling. I believe in stories in their incredible power to keep people alive, to keep the living alive and the dead.” This quote by Tim O’ Brien beautifully captures the influence of stories in our lives. Stories attract us, move us and inspire us to be a better human being. The mere mentions of stories take me back to my childhood days. It was absolutely impossible to sleep at night without my regular dose of story from my mother. It reminds me of those endless summer vacations where it was possible to go on adventurous voyages with my cousins merely by joining two chairs and imagining it to be a ship. How every free period in the school was invariably spent in listening to the stories of new shows and movies from your best friend? Even today, stories continue their captivation. They have the power to pull you in their exciting world. And you don’t mind getting lost once, twice or innumerable times in that fantasy land. Watching the stories in motion make them even more alluring. It’s unexplainable the kind of emotional whirl you go through watching them. The way...

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