Personal Nutrition Final Assessment

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Final Assessment

What did you like about this course?

What I liked about this course, was that I was never pressured. When I first started the program, I was scared because I felt that I would in some way be judged due to my weight however it was the complete opposite. Most of the assignments have also helped me comprehend where I need change and how to do so. For example, Time Management or Personal Exercise Plan..etc

What was the most useful component that you learned?

The essential element I learned in this course was Chapter seven; body composition. I like that chapter because before this program I had a hard time comprehending why my body was a certain way, I would always blame myself. In particular, I would ask myself why are my thighs and calves bigger and stronger. After reading that chapter, I now understand that not only does genetics play a significant factor in the way our bodies are but also …show more content…

I say this because whenever I start a workout plan, I am never consistent with keeping it up. When I started the program I couldn't understand the purpose of building muscles and the benefits of it; I just thought that by doing so I would only become bulky which I did not want. Most times, I would set a goal for the ideal weight I wanted to be for example I would say lose 20 pounds before Carmel's wedding in July, and I would work towards it. However, now when I work out it's not just about how much I am going to lose but also have the proper ways to build muscle, effective ways to stretch before and after workouts and the different types of training to get the best results. Furthermore, by reading the fitness and lifestyle management for law enforcement textbook, I honestly feel more motivated to be in shape. Not to mention, they illustrated different health concerns based on statistics about society today. I feel more at risk than ever but certainly working on

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