Dual Enrollment Reflection

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Looking back at my time from English 112 gave me a greater feel and look at what kind of writer I am ultimately am. While going through my senior year of high school and taking a college level class I was skeptical if I was even able to accomplish that high of a writing requirement but to my surprise I fought my way through. In my journey of fighting until the end I learned a good amount about myself that even if I wasn’t feeling up to writing the five page papers that we had to write I always found myself doing them at the end. Seeing this made me realize that I’m the kind of person who will finish the task given to them on the day it is due no matter what my mood or condition is because it is my duty to show that I’m responsible enough to …show more content…

With college right around the corner and taking a college course gave a real sense of how college classes are going to work giving me an edge over all of the other students going to college that didn’t take a dual enrollment course. Dual enrollment was honestly one of the best decisions I made in my academic career because like what I was saying this class taught me the inner workings of how most assignment are going to be turned in, what it means to be self-reliant/ on your own have no help with assignment from your parents, experiencing a course that only a handful of assignment rather than a ton of assignment ends up making up over eighty percent of your grade (getting you to work extra hard so you won’t fail) and finally that you have to actually interact with the professor/teacher if you need help or are having trouble with an …show more content…

Writing this paper broaden the type of styles that I can write, giving me more options for a future job or class. This paper was probably one of my favorite styles that I have wrote in my academic career because it made me think in a different way while writing it. While it was one of my favorites I must say it was also one of the most challenging papers that I had to write with all of the extra steps required to do the paper properly like, getting quotes out of the book that has a different meaning and backs up the meaning that you are trying to say what the author is

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