Essay On Diabetes

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The health problem I have chosen is Type 2 Diabetes. Research has shown that early detection of symptoms of diabetes is crucial and important as it may prevent further difficulties. It is difficult to always identify if symptoms are linked to Type 2 Diabetes because they are often less taxing on an individual’s day-to-day activities. Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes include but are not limited to frequent urination, extreme fatigue, blurred vision, numbness in hands or feet, and feeling either very thirsty or hungry (American Diabetes Association, 2014).Risk factors of this health issue include but again, are not limited to, weight (being overweight is a high risk factor), lack of movement during daily activities, family history and genetics, race, and age (Risk Factors of Diabetes, Mayo Clinic, 2014). I believe that I am at risk for diabetes for several reasons. My weight plays a large role in the possibility of me developing diabetes as well as my gender, since women naturally have more body fat. During the day, I am not as active as I should and can be in regards to daily exercise. Genetically and biologically, obesity is in my family history, putting me at a higher risk as well. The problem in my life that will put at a greater risk for the development of diabetes is stress. Now, I realize that stress is unavoidable, however this is not an easy task to overcome. Stress can cause you to overeat, not sleep, and even feel like not getting out of bed in the morning. Although genetics play a predisposing role in the disease, that is not the whole story. My actions and inactions play a major role in the development of diabetes and psychologically, my lack of motivation and emotional eating habits may negatively affect my health. In socia... ... middle of paper ... ...urture is the concept of our environment, but more importantly it is about self-control. Unhealthy eating habits do not just materialize overnight; these behaviors are learned. This course has allowed me to put into perspective how that donut today could effect tomorrow. Being a millennial, as my generation is known, has put the youth of today at a major disadvantage. We are accustomed to having everything instantaneously. We need to educate ourselves about the dangers of our “me first, me now” detriment. This course has given me a wonderful insight as to how to not only understand the disease process, but also remedy this process before irreparable damage may occur. I’ve also been able to see that anything is possible with the right support system in place. It is very important to believe in the power of my ability to make positive and lasting changes in my life.

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