A teaching plan is one of the most important steps in nursing process. It is a vital tool used to achieve the best quality of patient care. A nurse should teach the patient what they need to know about their disease or disorder, diet, treatment, medication regimens, and self-care (Taylor, LeMone, Lillis, & Lynn, 2008). In this paper, I will explain teaching plan for diabetes patient with regular insulin injection including with the purpose of plan, outcomes, behavioral objectives, and teaching method.
Diabetes is a common disease, which can be a serious life-long illness caused by high level of glucose in the blood. This condition is when the body cannot produce insulin or lack of insulin production from the beta cells in the islet of Langerhans in the pancreas. Diabetes can cause other health problems over a period. Eye, kidneys, and nerves can get damaged and chances of stroke are always high. Because of the serious complication, the purposes of teaching plan for diabetes patient are to optimize blood glucose control, optimize quality of life, and prevent chronic and potentially life-threatening complications.
Before beginning, it is important to have a list of goals and objectives that are formulated by the nurse. The goals for this teaching are the patient will verbalized understanding how to inject insulin and monitor the patient's blood glucose daily at home by her/him-self. Outcome determination is, therefore, a critical skill for successfully intervening with patients.
Two behavioral Objectives for the teaching plan
Within 30 minutes of teaching lesson, the patient will be able to injection insulin properly. The patient will be able to perform self-monitoring of blood glucose using a blood gl...
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...e such as, watch YouTube, Google, MedPub, etc...Patient can access internet easily whenever that want too.
In conclusion, I would say that teaching plan is a vital component of the nursing process. In order to promote patient learning, it is valuable to have a good teaching plan in mind.
Cleveland Clinic, 2014. Lifestyle is key to diabetes self management. Retrieved from:
Kirk, Julienne., Stegner, Jane., 2010. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology: Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose: Practical Aspects. Retrieved from:
Taylor, C., LeMone, P., Lillis, C., & Lynn, P.( 2008). Fundamentals of nursing: the art and science of nursing care (6th ed). Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolter Kluwer business.
Sarah should determine the LPN’s knowledge base regarding the current patient cases she is responsible in caring for. For instance, the LPN may have extensive knowledge regarding the care of the diabetic patient and may be able to provide patient education to them on her own. However, Sarah should still assess the LPN’s knowledge regarding the teaching and may be able to advise the LPN of specifics to educate on. Additionally, Sarah should still speak with the diabetic patient and assess their understanding of the teaching and serve as a resource for any questions the patient might
Diabetes education is a structured education and self-management (at diagnosis and regularly reviewed and reinforced) to promote awareness. Diet and lifestyle, healthy diet, weight loss if the person is overweight, smoking cessation, regular physical exercise. Maximizing glucose control while minimizing adverse effects of treatment such as hypoglycemia. Reduction of other risk factors for complications of diabetes, including the early detection and management of hypertension, drug treatment to modify lipid levels and consideration of antiplatelet therapy with aspirin. Early intervention for complications of diabetes,, including cardiovascular disease, feet problems, eye problems, kidney problems and neuropathy.
Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 44(9), 406. doi:10.3928/00220124-20130617-38. Torpy, J. M. (2011). The 'Standard' Diabetes. Jama, 305(24), 2592 pp.
A critical thinking task that staff on our unit are frequently challenged with is treating low blood glucose levels, which are considered to be a blood glucose level less than 80 mg/dl. The flow chart that follows is what our diabetic educators would like to see being done by nurses to address low blood glucose levels. Although the flow chart is straightforward and easy to follow, nurses often use nursing wisdom, which is based on their knowledge and experience (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2012). For example, rather than giving orange juice or one tube of glucose gel and rechecking a patient’s blood glucose in 15 minutes, nurses may wait for a breakfast tray to arrive and recheck a patient’s blood glucose after breakfast. Possible risks include a patient not eating his or her breakfast and their blood sugar continuing to drop.
-The first teaching point is to teach the patient to avoid eating canned foods. Canned foods have a lot of sodium and this can negatively affect the patient because the patient already has hypertension. As the nurse, I would explain the negative effects of canned food, contact the dietician, explain foods they can eat by telling the patient and providing them with pamphlets or articles, sit and make a diet plan with the patient. Also, I work with the family and explain to the “cook” in the family about what foods are allowed for the patient to eat and plan a diet with them and the patient. I would also allow the patient to express any concerns or questions and try to resolve them. I would also create a diet schedule for a week of what the patient to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I would also bring snacks to the patient and show them which ones they can eat and how much they can eat. For example, bring unsalted pretzels or grahams crackers and teach the patient how much they should eat and when they should eat
Diabetes is a disease in which a person’s body in unable to make or utilize insulin properly which affects blood sugar levels. Insulin is a hormone that is produced in the pancreas, which helps to regulate glucose (sugar) levels, break down carbohydrates and fats, and is essential to produce the body’s energy. The CDC (2013) offers reliable insight, summarized here, into the different types of diabetes, some causes, and health complications that may arise from the disease.
The care plan is composed of the right food, exercise and medication (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2014). The person needs to know what type of foods affects their blood sugar levels and most of the time the patient is sent to a nutritionist to follow a diabetic diet. The patient needs to keep track of a food log to discuss later with the doctor or nurse on the next appointment (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2014). An exercise regimen also helps to keep the sugar levels balanced. It is important to keep an exercise schedule that will help the person to keep an exercise routine in accord with the medications and meals. It is very important to stay dehydrated and to keep track of the blood sugar levels (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2014). The medications are to lower the blood sugar levels. It is very important to store the insulin properly, check the expiration date and double check the dose before administration. The person will need to report to the doctor if the blood sugar gets too low or still high, because the doctor might need to adjust the dosage or timing. Also, it is important for the doctor to know if the person is taking medications for other conditions, because that will help the doctor to prescribe the correct medication for the person (Mayo Clinic Staff,
Diabetes is a disease that is very common in the world. Early detection of diabetes can significantly decrease the risk of it getting worse throughout a person’s life. There are symptom...
It is important to evaluate which learning style your patients prefer in order for them to best understand what needs to be done for the maximum appropriate outcome. Licensed practical nurses are advocates and that’s someone who supports and supplies information to their patients. Advocacy often involves standing up in support of a patient and their rights. This is especially true when patients are not able to protect their own rights. When filling the role of counselor, Licensed Practical Nurses can help patients and families explore ideas and feelings towards healthcare and illness (8 Roles of the LPN). Some patients have a difficult time accepting a disease or its treatment options. As a practical nurse you consult with RN supervisors regarding patient care and assessments. In some settings LPN 's communicate directly to physicians. Communicating information to the proper people assists in increasing the effectiveness of care plans (Role). As practical nurses we are only one part of a patient care team. Other important members include RN 's, CNA 's, physicians, physical/occupational/speech therapists, dietitians, volunteers, and more (8 Roles of the LPN). With such a large team, every member has their own scope of
With the current literature research diabetes a growing among patients across the world. There several ways nursing can educate their patients on this disease that is killing their patients day to day. Educating their patients on getting physically active, changing their diet, and not smoking our some
Specific purpose: To inform my audience about what diabetes is, what causes this condition and its health effects.
Doenges, M. E. & Moorhouse, M. F. Nursing Care Plans 3rd ed. 1993 F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia
My former clinical instructor has DM1, and she taught us about carbohydrate counting, the importance of exercise, and what keeping up with insulin does. We did a carbohydrate counting project that we presented to the nurses and then to the patients. We made sure to an...
Neithercott, T. (Jan. 2012). Continuous Glucose Monitors. Diabetes Forecast, 65(1) 44-6. Magazine. Retrieved from ProQuest Research Library.
Many individuals may feel as if they have lost control of their everyday routines, or are somewhat defeated when following treatments programmes and not being able to see an improvement in health. Recently healthcare professionals recognized that if they provide patients with well-defined, straightforward information and knowledge about their illness, it could encourage people to take more of an involved role in managing their condition, such as setting achievable goals, or becoming better practiced at monitoring and managing insulin levels. Thi...