Personal Narrative: What I Learned In My Writing Class

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During this semester I learned a lot about writing and reading; I always am a good critical thinker. As reader when I'm compared my reading now with when I started this semester it's totally different, matter of fact I never took my time to read a book or a short stories and if I read it I’d never understand or get what's the stories are talking about, it was kind of hard for me to get something that I read so easy but this class helped me though. I did read a lot of poems during this semester but I don't really like poems they are so complicated, sometimes it's kind of hard to understand what the poet is trying to say, but I think that's the purpose of poems unlike stories which are more understandable and less complicated. So, what I'm …show more content…

My English teachers always told me, my essays don't need to be perfect just do my best so I always tried to do my best on my papers. I think I did learn new techniques that make the revision process easier for me, so now I can notice that my writing is getting …show more content…

It was an interpretation assignment and I do love interpreting text especially when the text is interesting. So the text was interesting and I did interpret it the way I can because the text was so confusing it wasn't that easy to understand it, so I analyzed it the way I can; to analyzed it I just followed some steps like what's the setting, the characterization, the plot and structures and many more that's why it was so interesting me, the confusion, my interpretation and my analysis. However, "The literature log assessment" is the one that I found particularly difficult for me, I didn't know how to do it. It seemed a little bit confusing to me; usually when I have an essay to write I spent 1-2 days to think about it and came up with ideas like how should I begin it, what to say and day 2 I supposed to be thoughtful and begin my writing paper but this one was the hardest for me I couldn’t even know what say, how to begin it I was so confused, but it seemed so easy to me when I first had the assignment and when I was ready to do it, it's confused. So, the due date was approached I just did it and I had no idea what I was written about but I considered it as an experience though, I felt bad about it at first meanwhile I told myself I should consider it as an experience and you cannot learn with no

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