Personal Narrative On Kites

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Kites When I was still in lower elementary, my parents took me and my sister out of school early near the end of the school year. I remember my dad telling us that we were going to visit “Uncle Mack” and that was all he would tell us no matter how much we persisted. Four hours and a long nap later, the tents and suitcases in the back of the van finally made sense. We rolled into the campsite and took little time to set up camp; my parents wanted to make the most of the daylight that was left. Strolling downtown I noticed how clear the sky was. It was bright blue and speckled with colorful kites of assorted shapes and sizes. Later that day we would fly our own kites that we bought from the Mackinaw Kite Co. We walked all the way to the base of the Mackinaw bridge. While it was still too cold to swim in, my …show more content…

Summer was coming to a close and we (Emily and I) felt like it should end with a bang. We contacted the rest of our little group and made plans to go to Michigan’s Adventure the next day. While eating breakfast, we had to rethink our trip because of the weather. It was still hot enough to enjoy the waterpark, but the rain would mean most of the rides would be shut down until it stopped. After an hour debating our options, we finally settled for going despite the rain in hopes it would clear up. The car ride was short and it stopped raining when we entered the park. As a group, we had collectively decided to ride the best coaster first, the Thunderhawk. This coaster was at the opposite side from the entrance so the walk there was a bit long, Unfortunately, this ride was closed when we finally got to it and then it started to pour on us. We sought shelter in one of those goofy, bright orange family dryers and played heads up on an ipod. Then Emily’s mom called one of us and asked if we wanted to go get something to eat, so we ran all the way to the parking lot to avoid getting wet as much as we

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