Personal Narrative: My Tunnels

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The air was musty and cool. The light was dim with only a single bulb lighting the small space. It was just big enough for me to comfortably crawl on hands and knees. It was a place I liked hanging out because it was a good spot to cool off on a hot summer day and if I wanted to be left alone with just me and my thoughts this is where I went. I would go as far as I could and sit and rest my back against the cool earth. I had two feet of dirt above my head. As I would get further into the earth I would take scrap lumber and cut it to size then prop it up piece by piece. The lumber strengthened the ceiling in case of cave-ins creating a tunnel that was about 3ft tall by 3ft wide and 8ft long. I was 16 at the time. My brother and I were continuing a life long addiction to digging. Our favorite pass time was digging "army" trenches. I had from the time I was 5, dug holes as deep as I was tall and this one was the biggest. The hole was 6ft wide 10ft long and about 5ft deep. This tunnel was just one of my …show more content…

Maybe I could make one of those mirror setups, a periscope, "Yeah that's what they're called." A while later I'm not sure what made me figure it out, I came up with the solution. I found a small old black and white TV and dug out an old video camera, the kind that dad would lug around on his shoulder, that recorded onto old VHS tapes. Then hooking the two together with an assembly of wires and cables I put the camera above ground and camouflaged it with some inconspicuous junk laying around. Then back down the tunnel I crawled like a mole with an extension cord in my mouth, I plugged it all up. "Click click," I turned the dial on the old tv, "if I could just get this station tuned in" Then a few more turns and there it was. I could see in real time what was above ground. "I have a bunker," I thought, "complete with

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