cold fall day in November 2015, Quintin Hartig, Kaleb Dayhuff, and I had planned on staying the night at Quintin’s house to go to a Chiefs’ game in Kansas City the next day. What we didn’t plan on though, was the events that ended up changing our lives. A huge ice storm had swept through the midwest, and we were on the fence about going to Kansas City because the interstate would be quite slick in places. Nonetheless, we decided to spend the night at his house anyway and find out in the morning
1999, I was a reckless little 13 year old. I had been in and out of foster care for years. I had been adopted at 7 years old by a senile 50 year old single woman. She treated my foster siblings and I like we were trash. She was basically the wicked witch from the west. She used us and abused us; she treated us like her personal slaves. I had decided that I could not go on living like this, and I was running away and I would never return that house again. One cold night, my cousin and I decided our
Panic We loaded up the car and headed out to Route 30. I had made this trip several times before, but this time it was one way. I had been excited to—as I saw it—get on with my life, but this day I was feeling less than enthusiastic. I figured it was the hassle of moving: this would be the second time my parents and I had transferred my things from home to a dorm room. This time my sister was along to lend a hand. We finally pulled up to the institutional-style brick building that was to be my
Journey to College I first came to the university during spring break of my junior year of high school. At the time I was just visiting the three main universities in Arizona so that I would be able to make an educated decision as to where I wanted to get my college education. There were many events showing me the way to this university and little did I know that these events would come upon me and that they would show me the doors to the place where I was truly meant to be. I had a small thought
However, I am a water baby. I was born and raised on the Gulf Coast of Florida. I learned to swim before I could walk, I learned to fish before I could talk, and I learned to ski before I was riding a bike. I can’t remember a time when water wasn’t a part of my life. I grew up canoeing the bays and lakes and tubing the rivers and creeks. I even took up surfing for a few years until I got cracked in the head and almost drown. I learned a lot about myself because of that environment, and I believe it
I was hesitant and tensed. I was sure if it went wrong my mom would not let me out. “Come fast, otherwise we look suspicious to others” Hilda said pulling my hand. “Do you really want to do this? I have a bad feeling. ” I said. “I promise, nothing would happen. You have seen me many a times. This would be a lot more fun than it appears. See, that house looks small and uninhibited. I will go inside and find something to cherish our spirits. You don’t need to come inside. All you have to do is wait
While I’m still not certain of what I want to be, I do know that I have a fascination with business and entrepreneurship. The prospect of being able to start a company and successfully run it excites me. Out of the 7 colleges/schools that Cornell has to offer I think I would be the most successful in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences because they offer a major that I am very interested in, Applied Economics and Management. I like AEM because of its flexible degree requirements, which allow
While reading Leo Buscaglia's book, Living, Loving & Learning, I was able to reflect back on some of the experiences I have had in my life that have helped to make me the person I am today, and I was able to look into the future at what I would like to become. I was able to see how well I know myself and what I have to offer others. I was able to see the things I don't like about myself and determine some of the ways I can make myself better. This is some of what reflecting on my life
wind as it rushes in my ears. I can feel nothing but the cold air all around my body. It almost feels as if I am flying but, no it is just me racing to school on my bike trying not to be late. A thought popped up in my mind, it was the same thought that I often had when I was rushing to school, it would be so much easier if I could fly, then I would never have to rush to school. I have always wanted to fly, not in an airplane, but me actually flying all by myself. I always watch those movies where
my youngest sister Claudia and I decided to go to a beautiful city in Colombia called Santa Marta. We didn't know what to expect, or where to go, which was one of the best feelings ever. We were going to be able to explore a new place. We did some research to find some of the most beautiful places in the area, and many people suggested Tayrona Park. I already knew of Tayrona Park, and I wanted to do some more research to discover some different places. That is where I found Cabo De La Vela. The pictures
as I travel through life and try to ascertain my own presence in its cycle. An essential journey occurred three years ago when I set out on a personal pilgrimage. I wanted to re-travel the time line of the past few years and locate the point where I had allowed the influence of others to determine my own concept of self. "Self" is not necessarily complex or intricate, but it does define the character of a person and how he or she wants to be viewed. In my own rush to "fit in" at college I had
information I collected was taken from many different resources. The Internet was the main way of research I used and the module notes I was given at the start of the coursework. I also used some information from some textbooks. Findings -------- Questionnaire: I have found out from my questionnaire what products people would buy, how far people would travel to visit my shop and what age group and gender are likely to come into my shop. Shop/ competition survey: I have found
the way to California for a mission trip. I was excited to get a new experience serving the homeless, but was a little nervous. The first couple of days we served food to the homeless at a homeless shelter. It was very humbling to see how grateful they were for the meal they were provided. In the evening we got the opportunity to hand out sack lunches on the street. I gave my lunch to a young homeless lady. The attitude of the lady surprised me so much, I was able to have a spiritual conversation
empathy when facing challenging situations. At the age of 20, I began my first role as a care assistant in a busy London hospital. The role really pushed me to my limits, the job at hand was very demanding, I was under a lot of pressure. With that it allowed me to focus on the job in hand and gave me that confidence to bring out abilities I never thought I had. A few months working within this I achieved many skills within this job, I worked with patients who had Dementia and Alzheimer 's. This was
Dodging Bullets It was a warm fall day in early October, a day that I recall quite vividly. The smells of the transition from summer to fall were in the air, accompanied by the sounds of birds singing and the wind blowing through the trees. It was on this beautiful day that my existence was almost terminated. After school on this day, a friend and I decided to go hunting before our evening basketball practice. I really don't know why we called it hunting, because we didn't have an idea
In Canadian history there are many famous people. In my mind one really stands out among the rest. His name is Terry Fox and he is one of the greatest athlete to run on the face of this planet. Terry discovered he had cancer and then decided to run across Canada. He was a brave man who would take what the world through at him. Running across Canada was his way to show the world that he was not going out with out a fight. Terry Fox was born in Winnipeg Manitoba on July 28 1958 Terry was raised in
pinpoint the moment that turned out to be crucial in some way. I have my own share of memories, one of which stands out whenever I think of what made me a person I am today. It happened when I was eleven years old — my father decided to surprise me and to take me hunting with him. It was a trip I am never going to forget. My father and I spent a lot of time camping, fishing and exploring various places. Going hunting was the next logical step and I was
I know you are expecting to read just another boring essay that some 8th grade student wrote; you are one hundred percent right but lets try to make this essay more interesting than average, lets have some fun. If you were captured by indians then forced to live an outdoor and wildlife what would you think?If it was me I know I would freak out and go crazy! My character's name is Francis Tucket (Mr.Tucket) from the book Mr.Tucket by Gary Paulsen. This fourteen year old boy is very adventurous and
What were your specific contributions to the process, product, and presentation? I believe my experience in education allowed me to make valuable contribution throughout the process of designing and creating the Arts-Integrated curriculum–related lesson plan with my group. During the initial group meeting one group member was not presented and as a result I felt worried about our group being able to do a good job. In addition, the first meeting began with no direction, as members of the group presented
I grew up in a different world from most people. One would call it a different society if one wanted to. The name of this society is the United Nation of Islam; we called it the UNOI for short. Many people might wonder if I was part of a utopia. The answer depends on how one views the world. I viewed it from a whole different perspective. It was very different from how I am living my life today. Whenever I begin to tell people about my experiences with UNOI, they automatically think I’m a Muslim