Personal Narrative: My Trip To The Medical Field

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It was 3:00 pm when the built up excitement occurred. The last bell of the day stroked the clock, I would always be in a rush to place my materials away and meet my father always with a smile at the front of the school. The trip from my elementary school to the clinic felt like a decade. My dad was a dental surgeon who worked in a particular clinic composed of different doctors. At the entrance there was the help desk, Carmen siting behind it and always greeting you with a smile “Good afternoon Doctor.” Behind the front desk there was a hallway that hosted two doors on the right and two doors on the left. Through those doors there was a different kind doctor. The first door on the left contained a neurosurgeon doctor and the door behind it had a pediatric doctor. The first room on the right contained an orthodontic dentist …show more content…

I saw a old man come in with groaning and grunting it was a horrible oral pain. It really stroked me as a kid, how much pain there was in a person. My father performed his job and relieved it, I was so amazed I asked, “How were you able to help him dad?” and he told me “We are here to relieve the pain away from people.” At that moment I knew I wanted to be just like one of those doctors sitting behind the doors. I came home so proud of my dad, proud of his amazing task. I told my mother the tale and she told me “Yes my love, doctors are angels who are able to cure people.” There was nothing I wanted more in my life than to be a doctor. When I was 10 years old things started to get horrible in Mexico, full of violence and corruption. My family moved to the United States, my dad was not longer a licensed dental surgeon. He changed career and he told me “Moving is for the best of our family.” At the time I did not understand why he gave up caring for other people, and all I wanted was to get back in the medical field. My father would tell me “Your good hart and doors will open for

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