Essay On Medical Malpractice

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Medical errors and malpractice is becoming a major problem in America.There are approximately 15,000-19,000 lawsuits against doctors yearly.( There are many reason behind why this is such a problem. I will be touching on each reason and why each of them has become a problem. This is not just something that affects doctors, all medical personnel are responsible for patient care. When we think of medical malpractice the first thing we think of is a doctor who has caused physical harm to a patient.This is not the only example the harm can be physical or mental and it also affects physician assistants, nurses, psychiatrist,dentist, therapists, optometrist, and pharmacist. Medical errors and malpractice are in my opinion not …show more content…

The most common stories are operating on the wrong body part or amputating the wrong body part. We all know all about those stories so I want to look into the stories not commonly talked about. Medical malpractice includes more than just a doctor cutting off the wrong body part. It includes misdiagnosis, not ordering the correct test or lab, not follow up with patients, not taking lab result into account, misreading test and lab results, not recognizing symptoms, and over medicating, under medicating, as well as prescribing the wrong medication.( Simply put medical malpractice is anything that causes physical or mental harm to a patient. Medical malpractice began sometime in the 1800s with malpractice lawsuits increasing in the …show more content…

Not only does the patient have to live with their injury the rest of their life, their family also has to deal with it as well. While not all medical errors cause major debilitating harm they are nonetheless medical errors and need to be addressed. When a patient comes in to see the doctor they expect him or her to correctly diagnosis and treat them. When a doctor fails to correctly diagnose a patient, read a test result properly or disregard the results all together this deprives the patient of autonomy. Autonomy is cannot be achieved if any of the above listed malpractices occur. The patient cannot make an informed decision about their care if they are not given correct information. Beneficence is void in these cases as well. If a doctor disregards test and lab results or prescribes the wrong medication or more of the medication then the patient needs the doctor is not acting in the best interest of the patient. All of the above things listed void non-maleficence. Doctors end up causing harm to the patient when the misread a test or lab result, disregard results altogether, not following up with patients, and medicating the patient incorrectly. This can cause patients to have unnecessary surgery, procedures, take medications they really do not need, even death. Justice is not served when doctors get lazy, tired or simply do not care. They are supposed to do what is in the best interest of all patient

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