Personal Narrative: My Journey To A Soccer Team

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Community Service is an important activity every person should embrace as they are growing up. Doing community service, gives a person the opportunity to learn more about themself and be exposed to the lifestyles of other people, which also tends to make the volunteer more aware of the needs of the less fortunate. Volunteering also contributes to the result of more teenagers being more grateful for everything they have and thus they give more. Growing up I was taught to give more than I receive. My parents were always putting in time with the community as I was growing up. When they moved to Griswold there were not many community organizations around in comparison to Lincoln, Nebraska the town they had just left. However my parents …show more content…

For me, soccer has always been a part of who I am as an individual. I decided I was going to coach. Competing in soccer has taught me more than just the rules of play; it has provided me with tools that apply to all aspects of my life. Soccer is a game of quick thinking, fast action and the ability to work as part of a team. These skills have helped me develop personally throughout the years. Soccer is a team sport. No one carries the team by herself. The entire team is needed to achieve. Learning to be part of a team and that there are certain times to step up and be a leader has not only transformed my presence on each team that I have played on, but it has mirrored in my academic presence. My coaches have taught me more than just the skills necessary to win a game. They have each taught me skills I could use both on and off the field. I have always been a perfectionist, and each coach has worked with me to harness my self-criticisms and employ them into improving my game. Walking onto the pitch seeing the group of girls that have all become both my friends and competitors, knowing we are all going to leave our hearts on the field for each other, takes the game to an entire different level. Soccer has made such a difference in my life and I wanted to share my experience with children growing up in my area so that hopefully at least one child can have an

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