Why Is Soccer Important To Me

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Favorites 10/21 + 10/22 52) Ever since I was younger i’ve always loved the game of soccer. That was and still is one of my favorites sports. Some of the reasons why i really like soccer are because it’s an exciting sport to watch, but even better to play it. I’ve always started out playing as defense because I always thought I wasn't capable of playing up front as a forward making goals and all that fun stuff.
Soccer is a brutal game, i’m not going to lie a lot of people get very physical and some even take it too personally to the point where they get frustrated and start to take their anger out in the game or even worse towards the other players. Playing soccer has taught me many things to never doubt yourself and to be a better teammate. It teaches you communication skills and working with other people in order to have a successful game. I’ve …show more content…

With everyday life and all the obligations that I have I try to find anything that can distract me with the stress and find some relief. Something I most likely do when i’m at home is watch youtube videos. I like to watch videos of makeup,hair,nails,beauty, etc…. I especially love watching video games. People that play and record their videos are seriously my favorite thing to watch. I love watching people that play horror games because their reactions are just priceless and they never fail to make me laugh. I lay down on my bed with a bunch of snacks and drinks and then i watch my videos. Even when i’m getting ready for school or work I manage to fit one short video in there to help me start off my day good. When i’m not at home and i dont have wifi to watch my youtube videos I find it a bit more complex trying to find something to help my relief myself from stress. Some things i do is chat with my friends, walk my dogs, go to cheer practice, etc…. That is how I try to relax and have

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