Personal Narrative: My First Deer Hunting

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I can remember the time that I shot my first deer like it was yesterday. I have never really been a big deer hunter until this past season. My dad had left me at our farm all by myself and he was going to come later. I got in the woods around 3:00 to 3:30. I sat it the stand for about a while and it was getting cold. I was wishing that I had brought my 22 rifle because I saw about 6 squirrels. I did not think that I was going to see a deer but I was wrong. Before the deer came along one of the squirrels ran up my tree stand and I could have probably kicked it if I wanted. It was getting dark when I heard my dad shoot. I waited a little bit longer and then I saw three doe. I wanted to shoot a buck so I let them pass. Then I knew that I probably

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